Harambe Lives!!!

Day 3,395, 12:39 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

This tail took place in the gnarly hills of backwoods eAmerica and the Cincinnati Zoo the country of eUSA. The people in this story are real players in eRepublik their stories is inspired by happenings in eRepublik.

The animal was watching he was undetected and the female could not see him as he stood outside the cabin looking at her.

She was talkin excitedly to a wall in the voice of a little boy.

She was Paulie this was from the time before the dark man. She was Paulie often it was when she felt most safe.

The animal saw she was with child.

Harli was her name. She often was confused and the animal could see she would not survive in the jungle.

She often muttered for hours in the corner.

Harli spun around she felt something watching her. It felt like dark eyes. She looked through the windows of the cabin the night was pitch black and nothing could be seen.

She cursed her decision to move after her boyfriend. She was not used to woods or country living. She lived in the hood but this felt more dangerous. She never left the cabin. She felt safe in the cabin. It was important for her to feel safe.

A large shadow was moving but there was nothing there. Maybe she was imagining things. Her friends had all went to sleep. She closed the drapes.

A big thud shook the front door of the cabin. She moved to the closet and locked herself inside.

She woke up at 5 in the distance an animal made noises

She heard a scratching noise by the back door. She looked out there was an animal standing there

It was standing still and did not move. it was as if time has frozen.

The animal looked up at her she felt her baby kick her stomach. It walked away . it was as if her baby was going mad in her stomach. She sat down. The world went dark. She drifted out of Paulie and played the game that netted her, her guy.

She responded to a player called krakken:

The creep deserved to be put in his place she thought. She just did not know how.

She sometimes drifted into helen and wanted to drive to his house cut him up like one cuts up a tomato. She however knew that going to far with her friends could be dangerous for the baby.

it was getting darker she was sitting in the corner she had not ate and had not washed herself she did not know how she came here. The front door was open.

THE F R O N T DOOR IS OPEN it jarred in her head.. She ran and slammed the door close.

harli called her husband - the phone made tweak sounds and whirred throughout the conversation. She wished he was back. She never felt more alone in the world as she put down the receiver. The night was deadly quiet. There was no sound there was always sound. She felt a fear grip her.. WHY IS THERE NO SOUND!
A few wolfs broke the silence and called to the night

She felt safe though and went to make some coffee, as she returned to the living room he sat there. He was a very big animal. She froze and dropped the coffee. yet he did not turn to her. he was looking at the chair opposite him.

Harambe he said! She felt the baby kicking ferociously in her tummy.

Sit he said! This cannot be real she thought to herself she closed her eyes when she opened them he was still there,

She walked slowly up to the chair and sat down. her nerves was shot she felt fear pulsating through her body. She felt like running but her legs was dead with fear.

Listen he said! and turned slightly to her. She saw no eyes where his eyes should be.

We dont have much time!. You will listen and you will obey! yes her voice came out weak.She looked down she felt intense fear when looking at his face.

You must tell your friends to leave we have little time he said! friends she croaked out.

I will come again tomorrow early. Go wash yourself and eat properly.

Harambe he said!

He stood up and walked out of the door.

She went and ate some food

she felt like running but was in the middle of the woods. Damn poverty she thought to herself. Must think must think.

She woke up it was 12 she felt warm and safe like she always feel when she leaves Paulie.

Awake it said! She looked at the animal, blood was dripping through its hide and forming a pool by its feet, She felt pain it was like something was ripped from her belly. She stopped breathing. Her head started spinning it was 5 when she woke up again.

HARAMBE CANNOT WAIT FOR YOUR WEAKNESS IT SCREAMED AT HER. She cowered under it but felt that anytime it would hit her with his mighty paws.

harambe cannot wait it hissed at her in anger.

She felt her baby kicking. She felt relief but where did the pain came from. She turned and saw a bloody heap it was her friends.

I told you OBEY do you not know what the word means. They are all in my head she said. In your head. In your head did you walk around in your head when you met them each time here.

You do not know who they are and you dont know who I am. I need you focused and not lost in their lifes he said.

Will you obey. he asked softly. She looked at the big animal in front of her his mat black coat. i will obey she said and looked away.

Eat he said and put food in front of her. She ate the food and drank some water.

She stood up he stood in front of her and said You will not waste another day of Harambe and smashed his big fist into her head.

She woke up 4 AM the next morning it was only she and the animal.

it grabbed her and dragged her to the bathroom it tapped water in the bath she started kicking thinking maybe it wants to drown her. it threw her into the bath. she washed herself. she quickly dressed . it was waiting outside. it brough her food it was the raw leg of a little antelope.

She gorged herself. She wanted to puke at first but it looked disapprovingly at her. Some resolve kicked in she needed all her powers if she wanted to escape.

Harli would be truimphant she told herself.

She would kill this animal although she knew nothing about it somewhere there must be a weakness.

Gun! it said. Gun! it slapped her by the head when she did not respond immediately. She fetched the .22 that Chance kept in the safe.

It took her outside shoot it said. A target was 300 metres away from her.

The first shot hit a tree 2 metres to the left. it was 12 hours later the animal had fed her ammunition all day. The shots now went centre through the target. He seemed in a better mood but would occasionally slap her upside the head if she missed a shot and would say: You cannot miss.

Eat! commanded the animal and handed her a dead rabbit. She gorged on the rabbit. her face was totally bloody as she dragged herself to her mirror the next morning.

A week had passed harli had been shooting and training now for 3 months.

harambe she whispered as she ate raw meat dish after dish.

Harambe the animal echoed.

The animal had gotten careless it would move to the target to look at the shots . One day she hid some ammunition in her underwear.

He was looking at the target. She had his head perfectly in the cross-hairs and pulled the trigger. She saw the red dust as the shot hit. But it did not fell.

It was standing there like it could not belief what happened. It finally turned and charged her. She started going back in reverse trying to lift the weapon to get in another shot.

The shot hit the ground when he grabbed her by the neck and slammed her head with a sickening thud into the cabin.

HARAMBE DOES NOT HAVE TIME FOR GAMES it screamed. She felt the kid kicking the animal got a white glow in its eyes and it was like the kid released her tummy she felt nothing. She fell . Help me she screamed dont kill my kid! YOU WILL LISTEN THE ANIMAL HISSED AND YOU WILL DO AS I TELL YOU.

Yes she said . The animal touched her tummy and she felt a faint kick.

You will listen it said as it shook and her bullet fell from its head. IT WALKED away. The next morning the animal was there at 3.

It is time the animal said. And started walking: When they came to a town it grabbed a motorist by the head and smashed him unconscious on the dashboard. Drive it said.

harli drove all night until they reached Cincinnati she booked into a motel and slept till 7 AM the next morning.

They broke into the back fence she was lie'ing there when around 4'om she heard screams. She looked into the enclosure the gorilla Harambe was dragging the kid. People were screaming and pointing to the bottom of the enclosure.

Kill! the animal said. She lifted the gun at first she passed over Harambe should she kill him and endure the death the animal would bestow on her and her unborn son. Her crosshair drifted over the boy. It finally rested on the head, NEVER MISS the words of the animal echoed in her head. She slowly pulled the trigger. A red dust puffed from the head. People started screaming and running away. Harambe took the child he had grown bored with it and threw it to the side. Harambe ran to the cages.

Harambe was saved. As the people huddled over the dead zoo caretaker not an inch of life was left in him. The animal and harli used the commotion to escape.

it was deep in the night when harli returned to the cabin. A drunk Chance was sitting on the porch.

When she got out of the car. Chance hurled abuse at her. The animal got out beside her. Chance at first tried to run closer to attack the animal thinking it was a lover of harli. He stepped back into the cabin and started pleading.

The animal handed harli the axe. Harli walked up to Chance she chanted the whole time Harambe lives! she did not know why. it was almost like a song the axe glistened red and the blood sprayed fountains. There was blood everywhere. They handed Chance his part of the meat and the animal told Chance to eat.

Chance and Harli gorged themselves on the red blood dripping meat.

In the distance a wolf cried.


Harambe, Chance , Harli can still be found on the pages of eRepublik and if you look close enough the animal as well.