Running for Congress (Again)

Day 3,345, 19:45 Published in Switzerland Ireland by OogieBoogie3

First off, I'd like to acknowledge the reality that my revival of the old Swiss National Party did not go all too well. We pushed our agenda, but we ultimately were not able to make much of it.

Secondly, I welcome back an old colleague of mine who has come out of retirement strong! Welcome back Joseph Rich! I couldn't help but notice that you ripped the SNP right out from under me, and brought back to life once more the Social-Democratic Party of Switzerland. Being that former President Mungos032 had retired and exiled himself from the country following the SPP/Slovenia bend-over, I thought it was in all best respects to retire the party's name with him, but with Joseph returning, being that he's a co-founder of the party, this changes things for sure, and I embrace all of it. I'm proud to serve my old friend and the SDP, and I'm running for reelection for the Swiss House of Parliament.