[MA] RO-HU - Marele Razboi - DAY 1 (RO and EN)

Day 3,282, 05:04 Published in Romania Romania by Ministerul Apararii
DAY 3281

For English scroll down

Dupa cum anuntam in articolul precedent, Romania se pregatea de RAZBOIUL SUPREM, razboiul contra Ungariei.

Razboiul Romania - Ungaria a inceput in dupa-amiaza zilei de duminica, ziua 3281 ER.

Avand in vedere ca, pentru precautie, Romania nu a trecut prima lege de NE contra Ungariei, era de asteptat sa fie greu contra lor, avand in vedere ca beneficiau de un bonus de 10% de NE.

Odata cu declansarea atacului, s-a dezlantuit efectiv toata forta ER, au intrat in lupta toate fortele celor 2 tari si ale aliatilor, sprijinite de CO-uri masive.

Nu cred ca este nevoie sa detaliem desfasurarea luptei, dar un lucru trebuie mentionat:

Runda 1 - epice Div1, Div2, Div3, Div4 - Romania - Ungaria 22-0
Runda 2 - epice Div2, Div3, Div4 - Romania - Ungaria 43-0
Runda 3 - epice Div2, Div3, Div4 - Romania - Ungaria 64-0
Runda 4 - airplanes - Romania - Ungaria 86-0
Runda 5 - epice Div1, Div2, Div3, Div4 - Romania - Ungaria 106-2

In ultima runda, epica la D4 s-a terminat cand toate zidurile erau pe plus, dar la D1 Ungaria avea mai multe puncte ca Romania, astfel ca a primit cele 2 puncte aferente D1 epica. Practic, 3 minute in plus daca mai dura campania, scorul era 108-0.

Am atins si un record inimaginabil pana acum in eRepublik - campanie finalizata in 5 runde. Doar o confruntare Romania-Ungaria putea da nastere la o astfel de realizare.

Desi scorul arata o victorie fara drept de apel, doar faptul ca am facut 14 EPICE intr-o campanie ne arata adevarata dimensiune a confruntarii. Aproape toate rundele s-au incheiat cu zidul intre 50 si 51%.

Cheltuielile au fost enorme, au intrat in lupta multe UM-uri de ambele parti cu CO-uri. Veti gasi mai jos o aproximare facuta de Swoosh.

VREAU SA MULTUMESC ABSOLUT TUTUROR SOLDATILOR CARE AU LUPTAT PENTRU ROMANIA. Fara ajutorul prietenilor nu am fi reusit sa ducem la bun sfarsit o astfel de campanie.

TOP5 pentru aceasta campanie este incredibil iar CH-ul de partea Romaniei nu lasa loc de discutii, She Is A Gun (MoFA Lituaniei) luptand pana in ultima secunda pentru Romania.


Armata Romana nu s-a oprit aici, astfel ca, asteptand declansarea atacului si intrarea Armatei Romane in Ungaria, am fortat eliberarea regiunilor controlate de Ungaria, batalia finala ducandu-se pentru Arabia Saudita in Al Madinah, Armata Romana intorcand soarta campaniei care era TOP PRIO pentru Ungaria dupa încheierea campaniei din Crisana:

Practic, odata cu declansarea campaniei impotriva Romaniei, Ungaria a avut urmatoarele realizari:

Din ciclul ALTE REALIZARI, multumita lui Swoosh https://www.erepublik.com/en/article/war-of-wallets-2620070/1/20 , avem o dimensiune aproape exacta a cheltuielilor:

Acestea fiind spuse, Armata Romana a declansat, inainte de DC, atacul asupra Ungariei in Southern Great Plain - 88756. Dupa DC-ul zilei 3282, legea de NE a Romaniei impotriva Ungariei a trecut, astfel ca s-a activat bonusul de 10% inca din prima runda.

o7 Armata Romana ... ne vedem la Budapesta !


DAY 3281

As announced in the previous article, Romania was preparing for the supreme war against Hungary.

Romania - Hungary war began on Sunday afternoon ER day 3281.

Given the fact that, for precaution, Romania has not passed the first law of NE against Hungary it was expected to be a hard fight against them, since they enjoyed a 10% Ne bonus.

With the start of the war the all the full force of the two sides entered the fight, together with the allied forces and friends and supported by massive CO on both sides.

I do not think we need to detail the development of the battle, but one thing must be mentione😛

Round 1 - epic Div1, Div2, Div3, DIV4 - Romania - Hungary 22-0
Round 2 - Div2 epic, Div3, DIV4 - Romania - Hungary 43-0
Round 3 - Div2 epic, Div3, DIV4 - Romania - Hungary 64-0
Round 4 - airplanes - Romania - Hungary 86-0
Round 5 - Div1 epic, Div2, Div3, DIV4 - Romania - Hungary 106-2

In the last round, epic D4 ended when all the walls were high, but at D1 Hungary had more points than D1 Romania, thus receiving 2 points corresponding D1 epic. Basically, additional three minutes for the campaign, and the score had been 108-0.

We have achieved an unthinkable record until now in eRepublik - campaign completed in 5 rounds. Only a confrontation Romania-Hungary could achieve this.

Although the score looks like a flawless victory, only the fact that in one campaign there were 14 Epic Battles shows us the real scale of the confrontation. Almost all rounds ended with the wall between 50% and 51%.

The expenses were enormous, a lot of MU entered the fight with CO's on both side. You will find below an estimate made by Swoosh.

ROMANIA THANKS ALL THE SOLDIERS, ALLIES AND TRUSTED FRIENDS who fought ALL IN FOR OUR SIDE. Without the help of our friends we wouldn’t have managed to close such a campaign.

TOP5 of this campaign is incredible and the CH-Romanian is without any discussion, She Is A Gun (MoFA Lithuania) fighting until the last second for Romania.


Romanian Army did not stop there, the Romanian Army entered in Hungary, and forced the release of many regions controlled by Hungary, the final battle was for Saudi Arabia in Al Madinah.
The Romanian Army turned the fate of the campaign that was TOP PRIO for Hungary after the end of the campaign in Crisana:

Basically, with the start of the campaign against Romania, Hungary had the following achievements:

From the chapter OTHER ACHIVEMENTS thanks to
Swoosh https://www.erepublik.com/en/article/war-of-wallets-2620070/1/20 , for the expense details:

This been said, the Romanian Army started before the DC the attack on Hungary in Southern Great Plain - 88 756.
After DC, Day 3282, the NE law of Romania against Hungary passed, such activated the 10% NE bonus since first round.

o7 Romanian Army& Allies and Friends ... see you in Budapest!