(SNP) Party Platform.

Day 3,247, 09:16 Published in Switzerland Ireland by OogieBoogie3

The Social Democratic Party of Switzerland has been laid to rest, its legacy not to be forgotten. In its place, the long lost Swiss National Party has been resurrected. With the Swiss National Party's resurgence, come a few policy changes from that of the Social Democratic Party.

National Security

The SNP will be strong on the issue of National Security. The debate on whether or not to dissolve the long running dictatorship will rage on, but the belief in a strong bipartisan effort to block and/or resist foreign political takeover attempts, and eradicate domestic threats is something that we are not taking lightly. Rumors of imminent PTO threats are looming, and the government intends to do all that it can to counter the risks, and do so collectively. Such measures of prevention include a collective effort from the Swiss Congress to screen and interview incoming immigrants, with oversight from an appointed government body to determine who is friend or potentially a foe.

Smart Diplomacy & Neutral Politics

Smart Diplomacy is the platform in which the SDP was built, and it's something Switzerland has committed to over the past 5 months. The SNP sees things no differently, aside from one except; neutrality. The SNP opposes full time involvement in military and economic alliances, instead focusing on building strong relationships with anybody and everybody, in an effort to better preserve our sovereignty, and eliminate behavior that would generate natural enemies. We will strive to bridge the gap between enemies ad promote peace in a hostile world.

Strong National Defense

Switzerland's primary military unit, the Swiss Guard has been operating for generations, and it's stronger than ever despite being nearly half of the size that it was 7 years ago. It is our belief that every Swiss Citizen should enlist and participate in the Swiss Guard in order to keep Switzerland strong. More importantly, our leadership needs to be fully committed to their duties and obligations to ensure that the guard is well organized and operates efficiently, while keeping Guardsman well trained and conditioned in case a real threat were to cross our borders.

Bipartisan Unity

The SNP is fully invested in the current administration's efforts to better the country. We will endorse whomever we feel is best suited to run the country regardless of their political affiliation, and will focus on landing congressional seats to push our policies and advocate change where it is needed.

As mentioned many times before, the SNP is making an argument to dissolve the dictatorship in favor of a true democracy, but the topic warrants a lot of debate due to risks of national security. We will continue advocating for the issue while actively seeking solutions to keep Switzerland safe and strong.

Long Live Switzerland!

Long Live The SNP!

Hail Rican!

Hail Yoshi!