[PotUS] Last Update & Next Term

Day 3,240, 20:37 Published in USA USA by Orikfricai

On September 27th, Dinnyin and Pfeiffer had a great, civil conversation in the PDB. DoCA published another article. The cash amount sitting in the CBO was discussed. The definition of "regular players" was debated. Khotko provided a Russian update. PDB ended with Dinnyin and Rainy having a great, civil conversation.

We worked to secure the new MU for the United States Army Air Corps. Rainy, Heker, DMJ, and Tyler are rebuilding supply docs to get USAF back up and running at full speed. Gnilraps destroyed eUK in an air battle. Rainy and Oblige had a great, civil conversation.

Mexico was added to Pacifica!

DoCA published a final article of the term ([DoCA] A Sustainable Pilot). A lazy Saturday happened. Serbia, Canada, and Japan were discussed. A new board was requested for USAAC.

So let's talk about next term. I'll discuss some policy and some cabinet.

First off, thanks to the Federalist Party, We the People, Black Sheep Party, and Old Farts United for the party endorsements!

Special thanks to all the members of SFP who've personally written articles of endorsement!

To help lead this merry band, I need a Chief of Staff that's not afraid to be in people's face. Somebody who doesn't shy away from confrontation. Somebody who I can count on to keep the Cabinet in line and getting work done.

That person is: Dinnyin!

My VP choice is:

After repeated calls from the people, I'm happy to announce Azazel Romanov, aka New Azazel, as my choice of Vice President.

Hopefully, he doesn't go on vacation the day after the election.

Naz confirmed with me that his satirical articles will continue. I will be utilizing him to help Dinnyin hound cabinet members to get work done as well as any other projects he wants to start.

My State Department will be experiencing a bit of a shake-up in the wake of the World Wars. Wild Owl will be transitioning to an advisory.

My new Secretary of State will be:


He's recently written an article outlining some of his views on eUS foreign affairs.

As one of the founding members of Pacifica, he knows what all has gone into making it a great Alliance.

He spoke a bit about what the Country learned during the Circle of Trust alliance.

We're going to adjust our focus a bit on investing in our Pan-American relations. We recently signed an MPP with Chile as they move towards this side of the web. That leaves us allied with Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Brazil, Chile, and Mexico.

Our State Media will be continuing under Khotko with articles about our allies and war updates.

Tune in tomorrow for my choices for Citizen Affairs, NSC/DoD, and Media!