Buy products on the NZ market - booming results

Day 3,022, 10:36 Published in New Zealand New Zealand by Shone bate

I have skipped last to weeks of reporting as I didn't have enough time to check the tax incomes. During that time we had a change in the number of regions between 0-2. Now we have 2 regions, which means 60% of the total tax goes to the NZ treasury.

Here are the results in this week:

1) The average daily income is 235 CC (it was only 60cc in average)
2) We have a total weekly income of 1854 CC (that is an increase of 341😵
3) The daily maximum of 650cc is reached for the day 3.022 (today) and still counting 🙂

[EDIT] The tax income reached a total of 1090cc for the day 3.022 🙂

I present you the cumulative results of the action which started on the day 2.988.

P.S. For some reason nobody wants to buy Q4 food even though the price is 0.44cc 😛

For shout

Buy products on the NZ market - booming results
