[AMD4CP] Coz repost v repost aint' .. umm .. reposted article at all!

Day 2,936, 16:07 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by AMD.

Citizens of the United Kingdom,

A big thank you to the members of TUP, UKRP and WRP and all who have considered voting for me from across all political and military backgrounds!

Gather round children, I am about to go all real talk on this.

So, to be honest with you all a lot has gone down over the last few days, and one thing seems apparent. There is an anti-nifty bias in some members of the eUK community.
One of my opponents has opted for a non nifty cabinet, which is a fun gimmick, but excludes some very well experienced members of our community. To be honest with you, if Fataliix isn't in the next cabinet, not only would he be annoyed, because it isn't time for his break yet, but also you lose a major foothold of our foreign policy over the last 8 months.

People have called for you to not vote me or Aleks because we are members of Nifty. As shown in my cabinet article here, my cabinet is not entirely made up of Nifty members, or even just one party. We represent the majority of top 6 eUK parties in our potential cabinet, including members of the Scorpions, Royal Navy, and Legion in major positions. Spectre and the Scorpions make up our Ministry of Defence for this term should I win the election.

If the best people for the job each month happen to be from the same MU, then why should that disqualify them from running? If a Royal Navy member won the election every month, or a legionaire, why should we begin to discriminate against them? It is ridiculous.

As a final note, and really a message to you guys in the eUK community, don't vote based on the membership of their military unit and all the propaganda surrounding that unit, about and from it, vote based on policies, potential cabinets and experiance! Make a balanced choice, and affiliation to a Military Unit shouldn't really count. I can understand party based affiliation of course ;P


Thank you for your time, vote sensibly, and as always, please consider voting for me tomorrow!

Aaron Mark Daniels, Minister of Defence and WRP Party President
This Broadcast was Brought to you by...
Aaron Mark Daniels, Minister of Defence

Nec Timeo Nec Sperno! - I neither fear nor despise!

Self Appointed Saviour of the eUK!: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/2528762/1/20

Regal Duke of Malvern and Viceroy of the Worcestershire Palatinate

Second Commander of Nifty.

Party President Of The Worker's Rights Party


And above all, Friend.