New mission – Music France

Day 2,901, 15:04 Published in India India by Patanjali
Oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ


For once, in my entire e Republic existence, I want to … “stay on the course” and finish something I began.
Eventually, later, I will finish other projects I started, before.

So, it is about France now. And Akasha will lead us this time to.
If you need to know something about France, you should understand what „chansonete“ mean.
Paroles, paroles = Words, words Alain Delon and Dalida
Non, je ne regrette rien = I don’t regret anything Edith Piaf –greatest voice of France music, perhaps (she became mind ill on the old ages, with no public she could not find herself)
Beside them, many other great voices have developed the culture of ... the Emperor (this to turn the knife in the wound of the red coats)
La Boheme [.url] Charl Aznavour
France culture had some special moments, like the one where Jacques Brel has arrived in the world known. A great voice and a great message.
Ne me quitte pas = Do not leave me Jacques Brel

Sure, back then the voice and the instrumentals count a lot.
But France is always surprising. So, she discovered a girl, from an Algerian father and … an Indian mother, named … Indila.
Tourner dans le vide Indila
Perhaps you are more aware about her world hit … Dernier danse = Last dance

For all to know, the France way of life:
Un peu d’amour, un brin de miel = A bit of love, a spoon of honey

In history … , France have done a great, lot of deeds. Sure you know she gave the Statue of Liberty to US.
Beside that, she got colony too. For example Quebec and … New Orleans.

In a UK subject Canada (Queen is still them ruler) a part of France is … weird. Yet, they are there.
Le Vent Du Nord 'Elise' = The wind from the North – in other words, The winter is coming.

Tell me, do you find any resemblance with this :
Paupere comilitones Christo = Les pauvres chevaliers du Christ = The poor soldiers of Christ it is in Gaelic, for Europe is a little village.
France itself don’t know how much remained, on her Soul, from Celts, Gaul’s or Britt … or else.

Because, you see, in Europe, we have diversity, without unity.

Finaly, it was not the Jean Picard to lead us to other worlds, but it was …
Jean Michel Jare to do this.
In a tremendous way.

Tell me, what space, galaxy and souls you could imagine, listening to this “

Now, the best part. US music is (and Godspell), originally …French.
Jelly Roll Morton was the son of a whore in French side of New Orleans.
In those kind of movies red coats, or them inheritors, always won.
Yes, it was a big difference between French Negros and English Negroes.

You know “Bistro” in French came from the urge of Russian officers that came on horse back and ask for a meal, in the urge ?
Sure, that happen when Europeans defeated the … Emperor, the one who plundered Italy and attacked Russia (after defeated all central European powers)

Beside all that, France is a not reckon force in the world. Either in the culture (they love this field most) or military power.

However, …

Montjoieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !

Meri shubhkaamanaaye aapke saath hai !