Cozy empires

Day 2,887, 14:30 Published in Romania Romania by Nicolae Crefelean

Wait... which empires? 😕

Oh, whatever. Apparently eRepublik recently advertised the game on facebook:

It says "Hungary has an empire. Romania needs you!" and "Help Romania grow!" (Thanks to Patavissa for the facebook image)

Bullshit advertising based on anything else than the game's reality. But how could you advertise the game these days? How can you put it in a good light? Sure, there are not so many bug-free games, but it's more than bugs that make it hard to recommend the game.

There are still plenty of users in the game so in theory eRepublik Labs could still come up with something to fix, improve and shed a new and good perspective on the game's future. But what? Should we care? I mean there were so many awesome suggestions from players that could've brought a lot more fun. Right now... it's nap and NAP time.

Since the resources were redistributed, the game just died slowly, bit by bit. And why would anyone change how resources are allocated? About 46% of the countries have an average production bonus equal or greater than 40%, and more than 63% countries have their average bonuses at or above 20%.

While the most powerful countries enjoy high bonuses, none of them want to stay too much without bonuses, so we no longer have big conflicts and we extremely rarely see truly epic wars. Yes, Plato is greedy so we learned - we like big bonuses and we stay away from big conflicts.

Raul Doru aske😛 It will be War?! Well, we have to see. The first wave of Natural Enemy laws didn't pass. Now we have another NE waiting for votes. Honestly, it's a bit hard to believe huge wars will happen soon. It's just too easy for all the big powers to get resources to risk it. Who knows what Plato will do soon? We'd better be prepared, right?

So we don't have empires. But we're playing safe because it's cozy and we get stocked with resources. Oh well, at least the big players do. I wonder how all this is for the little players. How is it?

Edit (Oct 17 2015; Day 2,888; 13:12)
The war is upon us after all:

Cozy empires: