Did we really win?

Day 2,856, 03:14 Published in Thailand Philippines by Nuclear tasos maximous

Did we really won?

It was long time ago that Plato (the supreme being after Bruce ) that gave us Epic Battles .

People were happy because not only they were able to get bigger prizes from weekly challenge but it gave a sense of strategy(something that was long lost here) with the X2 points for the winner of the battle.
For some time everything went as they supposed to be, epic battles became a normal feature of erepublik, people were used to have them few times per day. But like all good things in erepublik that too came to an end.

Plato started changing the damage limit for epic battles. He said that he did nothing and that he had a secret formula for epic battles. Now if you believe that erep labs are now capable to make a formula then you belong with those who believe also in tooth fairies, easter rabbit, himalayan yeti and many other similar stories.

Two weeks ago Plato had one more brilliant idea one that would finally end all the mess that epic battles cause to his pocket(or not). He gave a great update saying that once again he changed the rules because he thought that “community can do very well when it comes to coordinating” (I guess that by saying community he means the last few heroes that stayed here).

After this brilliant(NOT) update people were upset but this time wasnt just the ones who pay but also the ones who play for free because they were also effected by this change. Shouts were made, articles were made, tickets were made and we finaly won !!! At least this is that we thought...

Once again Plato used his divine power and did one simple thing he just removed the epic option not literally but when the limit is around 14 billion for div 4 then you can consider this feature as dead.
At the end Greedy Plato did that what he wanted to do from the first time removed daily epic battles and made people think that they won. Some times I do believe that Plato takes his players for idiots although some times he is correct...

After all these one thing is crystal clear. Blitzkrieg Pack has no use. I cant find a reason to get a 2k house when there are no epic battles, can you find one? I think that people lost one feature but Plato lost some money but the most important thing is that once again he showed us who he really is, a team with no vision who thinks that can troll people any time they wish.

I was alive before epic battles, I will be alive without them and most important I will be alive when “page not found” appears in my erep screen... I lost nothing