Blitzkrieg Pack - The conclusion

Day 2,833, 13:50 Published in Romania North Korea by Silexu

One month ago I've started an experiment: Blitzkrieg Pack.
Why would it be an experiment, when many people are using it? Because I am not so active here on eRep and I was willing to spend some CC (not real money) to see if it's worth buying a Blitzkrieg Pack (BP) and later a Power Pack (PP).

The conclusion is that I've got my money back, and I've made 9 Level Ups and 6 entries in top 100.

Now how it worke😛 I spent 80k on BP and 50k on PP and I was wondering how much I would get back from that investment.
As I can recover either gold (from BH/CH) or CC (from TP or FF medals) I computed all my earning in gold at the price I was able to sell it in first day ~284 CC/Gold.

My expenses were 130K ~ 457.75 Gold
My earning were in total 460.89 Gold

The earnings were coming from different type of income: BH, TP, FF and CH and CO

I've earned 25 BH from which at least 2 where double BH (got in the same battle on both sides), one was with x4 (20Gold) and one with x6 (30Gold).
I've also won the 9th CH medal.
Total gold earne😛 170

The second type of income (ordered by amount) were True Patriot medals. I was able to deal 2.7Bil. damage ~ 27000 CC ~ 95 Gold

It may be weird to count the Freedom Fighter income but it's not easy lately to get the 75 kill. without a lot of food fights. I remember I entered once a Top 100 without any BH won but two FF medals (6 each of 50 and 75). I was starting from last fights in 75/10 medal and finished after one month with 50/8 medal (almost a full cycle).
Total gold earne😛 60 Gold.

In the beginning I've counted the bars too, and I would like to mention them although the balance was negative. I've started with around 380 EBs and I've counted the 30 double EB's I've got from the pack with 81G (10 double EB's you can get with 27Gold at the cheapest price).
What I did not count is the big amount of EB's I could gather in two weeks of increased PP production: one at 11.500 and one at 12.500. But in the end I've used them in Level Ups which counted more for me (see later).
Total Gold compensate😛 81Gold + (~200 EBs)

40 plain Gold from Packs

Last income I could count was some battles with big CO.
But it was peanuts: 11 Gold.

And now the two important facts which does not count as expenses/earnings.
During this experiment I've got 9 Level Ups and 6 entries in top 100
It may be weird to mention but I can say that usually I get one level up every two weeks (2 in a month) and I was able to have 6 entries in top 100 in all my history since the medal was created. Therefore I can say I was able to double the entries in only one month.
As I was usually entering top 100 during level up: I could have more entries. But I I missed some opportunities on Tuesdays (twice), once on an Epic day and once after a forced Top 100 day.

I did not take in consideration the consumption of food and weapons. I produce enough food to sustain myself. As for weapons our military unit commander is supporting us very well for overtime work (Thanks CornelB!).

Another question came for the EBs balance. Well, I've started with around 380 EBs and ended with 180. That's a negative balance of 200 EBs. But! I've consumed much more during the Top 100 runs, and even forced a LVL Up on previous Monday. The good thing was that I've recovered a lot of them from PP. One week I've ended at 12.500, one at 11.500, third one close to 10. Only last week was a poor one as I started Tuesday with very few food fights (previous level up and top 100 Monday) and I ended only at 7500.

Blitzkrieg Pack - The conclusion