[Ali G] La veritat del robatori a Pendergast

Day 2,716, 14:45 Published in Egypt Cuba by Bartulieber

Hello comrades,
Hola companys


Després de mesos d'investigar sobre el robatori de la Org, he trobat els jugadors que Realment van dur-ho a terme. Puntualitzem alguns punts:
- La Org va ser llogada per Pendergast and Xtaxiao
- Van denunciar qu hi havien 300 golds
- Des de erepublikanalyzer.com podem saber que el canvi gold - cc era 205.677 cc - gold
- Vol dir 61.701 cc robats

Van acusar a Mr Edahi i a mi, Ali Gual, d'haver realitzar aquest fet. Varem dir que no ho vam fer, però poca gent ens va creure. Ara és el moment de conèixer la veritat.

Els números de Gener del Ministeri d'Economia són en aquest article:
Fet pel jugador bandejat El Bruch
Podem veure que el pressupost final és de 137.900 cc i 11,69 golds. En el següent govern de Febrer no es van publicar cap tipus de dades sobre les finances de l'estat, així que saltem al Març.

The data from the PCG forum

Com podeu llegir, hi havia un pressupost inicial de 26.250 cc. Això significa més de 100.000 cc que falten. El CP era Franjoli i, com es pot veure, hi ha golds i cc en el principi del mes... tot i que sempre han dit que no n'hi havien... ElMoF era Sferrer. Ell va "deixar" 12.267 cc a les Arques Públiques.
Quan acaba el mes, el pressupost era de 28.287 cc Aqui hi ha les dades i aqui la captura feta pel MoF. Un detall, es paguen 6.500 cc del lloguer de la Org quan varen anunciar que seria gratuita pels jugadors robats. Mentien.

A més, el MoD, Naboal, fa els seus números amb un prèstec privat de 41.600 cc i 8.409 cc del mes passat... Préstec privat? Pressupost final 41.606, 6 cc de benefici. Totes les despeses són "Ajudes Militars". Qui ho rebia? Tots amb les mateixes quantitats? Una mica sospitós.

Això significa, hi ha 53.867 cc de Sferrer i Naboal. Encara falten 7.834 cc, o en valor de gold dels dies del robatori, 38 golds. Però, en data dels primers dies del govern de Franjoli, sota el concepte de "Seguretat", significant una RW no-oberta, hi ha 8.409 cc, que en números d'aquells dies, 38 golds.

Sferrer té 12.267 cc després del robatori.
Naboal té 41.600 cc després del robatori
El MoD té un pressupost inicial del mes anterior de 8.409 cc (uns 7.800 cc dels dies del robatori.
Els dos van ser qui van robar i netejar utilitzant les arques públiques i les Orgs públiques.

Si es necessiten més proves, podeu llegir el primer article fet pel CP Mr Edahi on trobareu i podreu llegir punts prou interessants que donen suport a aquesta realitat. Van demanar passwords i e-mails de les Orgs. De diferents maneres. L'article

Properament el robatori entre mesos. He trobat alguns conceptes i despeses omesos. Sembla que els diners desaparèixen.

Afegeixo, que per neutralitzar les conegudes "proves contràries", des dels que ens acusen a nosaltres, Mr Edahi i jo, Ali Gual, la conversa amb els admins i tot això, era fals. Va admetre en cercles propers d'amics, que no té amics entre els admins ni proves de qui ho va fer. També estem esperant a la "captura de pantalla" del tiquet fet per Supervent.

Vull que tota la gent que ens ha dit que havíem robat, es disculpi per les seves paraules. També es necessari jutjar a Sferrer i Naboal per la seva traïció i les mentides al respecte.


Some months after investigating about the robbery of the rented Org, I have achieved the Real players who had done it. Let’s summarize some points:
- The Org was rented by Pendergast and Xtaxiao
- They denounced that were 300 golds
- From erepublikanalyzer.com we can know the change of gold - cc is 205.677 cc - gold
- It means 61.701 cc stolen

They accused Mr Edahi and me, Ali Gual, to do this horrible thing. We said, we weren’t, but few people believed us. Now is time to know the truth.

The numbers of january from the Ministry of Economy are in this article:
Done by the banned player El Bruch
We can see that the final budget was 137.900 cc and 11,69 golds. The next government of February didn’t publish any type of information about the Country Finances, so we jump to March.

The data from the PCG forum

As you can read, there is a starting budget of 26.250 cc. That means more than 100.000 cc are missing. The CP was Franjoli and, as you can see, there were golds and cc at the beginning of the month... even they say no... The MoF was Sferrer. He “loan” 12.267 cc to the Public Treasure.
When the month ends, the budget was 28.287 cc Here is the data and here is the screen done by the MoF. A detail is payed by 6500 cc the Org rent when they announced would be free for the stolen players. So they lied.

Also the MoD, Naboal, make his numbers with a “private” loan of 41.600 cc and 8.409 cc from last month... Private loan? Final Budget was 41.606 cc, 6 cc more than it. All the expenses are for “Military help”. Who received it? All the same amount? Quite suspicious.

It means, there are 53.867 from Sferrer and Naboal. Still missing 7834 cc, or in golds of the robbery days 38 golds. But, with the date of the initial days of the Franjoli government, as the concept of “Security”, meaning a non-opened RW, there are 8.409 cc, with the change of this days, 38 golds.

Sferrer has 12.267 cc after the robbery
Naboal has 41.600 cc after the robbery
The MoD has an initial budget from last month of 8.409 cc (about 7.800 cc of robbery days)
They two were who stole and clean this money using the Country Treasure and the Public Orgs

If more clues are needed, we can read the first article done by the CP Mr Edahi where you can find and read some interesting points that will support this reality. They asked for the passwords and e-mails of the Orgs. In different ways.
The article

Soon the robbery between months. I had found some interesting missing concepts and expenses. Seems money disappears.

In addition, to neutralize the known “contrary clues”, say that from those who accused us, Mr Edahi and me, Ali Gual, talking about a conversation with admins and this stuff, was false. He admitted in inner circles of friends, that he hasn’t any friend between admins nor clues about who did. Also we are still waiting for the “screen capture” of the ticket made by Supervent.

I want that all the people who said we stole the money, apologize for his words. Also is needed to judge Sferrer and Naboal for this treason and their continuous lies about it.

Ali Gual,
Keep it real