Малце Помош [n0t specifiED]

Day 2,625, 04:01 Published in North Macedonia Portugal by HugoASB

Здраво на сите!

Нема да ја должам многу..

Има веќе некое време кај што се мачам со теретаниве.. ама збирањето на пари оди тешко. Иако, многу се двоумев дали да ја пишам статијава, предвидувајќи критики околу мојот левел и старост на акаунтот, сепак се одлучив да побарам помош.
Акаунтов го имам околу 3-4 месеци и кога го зедов беше без теретани и без пари.

Мојата моментална состојба:

Секоја донација ќе биде објавена во статијава.




In the upped screenshots you can see my current situation. I require a small help from the ones that are in good economic situation that so I will upgrade my training grounds. Every donation will be posted in this topic. Thank you my friends.

With Regards,
n0t specifiED

MACEDONP4 has transferred 204 Q5 Food to your storage.
You have accepted 70.00 MKD from MACEDONP4.
You have accepted 10.00 Gold from Mr.borros.
BaloskiMKD has transferred 6 Q7 Weapons to your storage.
Tasha.MKD has transferred 20 Q7 Weapons to your storage.
Tasha.MKD has transferred 2000 Q2 Food to your storage.
You have accepted 4300.00 MKD from IvanVanchosBrother.
You have accepted 2000.00 MKD from Palan4e.
You have accepted 1000.00 MKD from shipamogli.
You have accepted 1000.00 MKD from Phantom MKD.
You have accepted 1000.00 MKD from Evil Queen Ana Kirilova.
Asklepije has transferred 1000 Q2 Food to your storage.
vlatkomacedonian has transferred 20 Q6 Weapons to your storage.
aLekSfRigo has transferred 50 Q7 Weapons to your storage.
KireDimoski has transferred 190 Q7 Weapons to your storage.
You have accepted 175.00 MKD from NandN.
P U T E R has transferred 1000 Q3 Food to your storage.
You have accepted 1000.00 MKD from volk 1975.
You have accepted 20.00 MKD from Ashkolsun.
You have accepted 250.00 MKD from Dadidk.
You have accepted 300.00 MKD from outoffspace.
You have accepted 500.00 MKD from Green Astronaut.
trajcetomkd has transferred 300 Q3 Food to your storage.
You have accepted 50.00 MKD from trajcetomkd.
You have accepted 1.00 gold from Ivan323222