[KHMC] Keep Rollin', Rollin', Rollin'.

Day 2,615, 15:12 Published in Australia Australia by Callumh123

Welcome eAustralia,

thank you for electing me to another terms as PP of the Knighthawks Military Council. It's been a great 2 months at the helm, with a lulling last month thanks to the lack of Senate.

With that being said we will almost definitely get a Senate so we will be actively getting ready for this in the next couple of days so we can put together a platform to present to the public.

So if you're part of our family, we invite you to run for Senate under our banner. Last time we did this dance we came out on top, with 3 seats out of 10. Let's see if we can improve on that!

Thanks for everything, if you want to run please just say so in the shout section.

Callumh123 out.