[Ser Fartsalot] The Results of IQ Test and January Cabinet

Day 2,604, 16:26 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by 10 Downing Street

Hello everyone,

As you've already being told, you're now the slaves in my Serfdom and the UK has turned into the Banana Republic.

As the first task, you, my minions, were subjected to an IQ test. Sadly, not many of you scored any points, thinking that the Cabinet was for real. However, the PTOers managed to get negative score. In just 30 minutes, they showed you what would happen if you did really impeach me or elected them. Not only that but in the span of few hours I went from their worst enemy, to their best mate:

Dapper, or You may call me V, also went full blown lunatic (and we hope he stays that way < 3) by publishing this funny article.

In order to preserve the entertainment value, the PTO crew will remain the parallel Shadow Cabinet, just as Dapper likes it.

Now it's time to present you the Cabinet for this month...

The Publishing Team

Chief PR - Horice G Fossil
Publishers - CptChazbeard, Nohjis, WayneKerr

The publishing team will have access to all relevant government organisations and publish articles from time to time.

Horice G Fossil will preserve the image of the Banana Republic.

Prime Minister and vCP - iAdrastos

Prime Minister will be to make sure that the communication between all ministries is going as planned, open meetings, make sure Congress is organised and represent me while I'm offline (but with no sole decision making).

Minister of Defense and vCP - BrickTamland

Brick will be in charge of the MoD MU, CO, DO, CoD and represent me while I'm offline (but with no sole decision making).

Deputies - CptChazbeard, Rory Winterbourne II, Abaddon and Aaron Mark Daniels (from 5 biggest units, making sure the orders are updated and everyone is notified)

Minister of Foreign Affairs and vCP - Bohemond4

Bohemond4 will be the Chief emissary of the UK and represent me while I'm offline (but with no sole decision making).

Deputies - WookieO, KieranB and Kapten Johnson (they will contact foreign diplomats and obtain information)

Governor - WayneKerr

WayneKerr will take care of your monies and do some sole decision making.

Deputies - Huey George and ArgoFookYourself (these people will have all org access in case someone is offline)

Minister of Education - FightAndProduce

MoE should engage and 'educate' the community.

Deputies - Betafoxtrot, Pannonian Nomad and Aleksandar.V Popovic

Most importantly, our government agencies, Ministry of Glorious Praise and Internal Defense Bureau will be in the hands of Horice G Fossil with Aleksandar.V Popovic as the Chief of the Secret Police.

Special Advisors for the matters of Asteria and Polan😛 tasos maximous and Ayame Crocodile.

That's all for now. If you'd like to contribute, send us a message.

Banana Republic Dictator,

Ser Fartsalot