[CP] First week in Office

Day 2,581, 20:30 Published in Nigeria Nigeria by Nigerian National Bank

Greetings my Fellow eNigerians,

As Promised that I would address our eNation weekly on whats going on in eNigeria. The first week has eventually past and the clock is ticking, and who knows what the next day might brings. My first weeks as been busy and here is the actions my administration and I have perform during my first week.

1st week in office:-

-Create a chain of Government PM.
-Create an eNigerian Forum.
-Send a Greetings letter to all CP of the eWorld.
-Answered interview questions.
-Lower Vat & import Taxes on Iron from 3% to 1%
-Launch a Natural Enemy for a Friendly Fight
-Made new Changes to eNigerian Ministers
-Processing Peace Talks with eArgentina
-Ministers weekly address.

Oothere Administration Objective for the upcoming weeks:-

-Continue with Peace talks with eArgentina.
-Open discussion on eNigeria chances in joining an alliance.
-Prepare for the Party President Election
-look for ways to increase our population and economy in an efficient way.
-Continue to have discussion with the minister on their task and whats needed to be fulfilled.
More will be announced next week.

Updated Cabinet

Prime Minister: AlexMCS182
Minister of Interior/internal: Satyre Reynes,Kalif Batan, and K1tho.
Minister of Economy: Poncho Warrior,hanf444,Hunnensohn,NorthAfricaCorps,and vieja29.
Minister of Foreign Affairs: NorthAfricaCorps,K1tho,Kalif Batan,and Hunnensohn.
Minister of Education: Satyre Reynes,and Andreas Mihai.
Minister of Defense: K1tho, and Poncho Warrior.
Minister of Statistics: Satyre Reynes,and Andreas Mihai

Please Also join eNigeria Official Forum here

I want to thank my administration and Congress for the wonderful work they have perform over the weeks. I also want to thank every eNigerian citizens for your continouse patience to the government. We can all achieve a lot as we progress over the upcoming weeks and while been patience we can reach further and even further to our goals.

Shout Out:

eNigeria is Over 200 days!
