Kill Rush tournament starts on Day 2,471

Day 2,468, 02:35 Published in Greece Romania by BARBA AZUL

Το Τουρνουά Kill Rush ξεκινά την Ημέρα 2.471 και θα διαρκέσει για 3 ημέρες!
- Οι πολίτες θα συμβάλλουν με τα kill τους στην Στρατιωτική Μονάδα και το τμήμα που είναι στην αρχή του τουρνουά. Προχωρώντας σε άλλες στρατιωτικές μονάδες ή προώθηση σε υψηλότερο Division δεν θα επηρεάσει το Leaderboard. Ο παίκτης θα συνεχίσει να συμβάλλει στην αρχική Στρατιωτική μονάδα και τμήμα του.

Για να είναι επιλέξιμος για τις ατομικές ανταμοιβές, ένας πολίτης πρέπει να κάνει τουλάχιστον 250 kill κατά τη διάρκεια του τουρνουά.

Παρακάτω παραθέτω τις σχετικές πληροφορίες στα Αγγλικά:

- Kill Rush tournament starts on Day 2,471 and lasts for 3 days, until the end of Day 2,473.
- Citizens contribute with damage to the Military Unit and Division they are in at the beginning of the tournament. Moving to other Military Units or advancing to a higher Division will not affect the Damage Leaderboard; the player will keep contributing to his initial Military Unit and Division.

- Citizens contribute with kills to the Regiment he is in at the time of executing the kill. A player can move to another Regiment (even to one in another Military Unit) but his previous kills will still count in the leaderboards for his old Regiment. This means that a citizen can contribute with kills to multiple Regiments in multiple Military Units. Remember that this does NOT cancel the damage rule above.
- The citizen will only receive prizes according to the Regiment he is in at the time when the prizes are being awarded.

- If a citizen is not a member of any Military Unit when the Kill Rush starts, the damage and kills will count for the first Military Unit he joins. Damage and kills done before joining, however, won’t count.
- Accounts created on Day 2,465 or after won’t be able to participate or win individual prizes in the tournament.

Military Unit Competition

Individual rewards

In order to be eligible for the individual rewards, citizens need to do at least 250 kills during the tournament.

If a Military Unit gets multiple positions in different Divisions in its country, the rewards are combined. Please note that one Division can only win prizes from one group (called Division category in the picture).

For example, if a Polish Military Unit POW finishes 5th in Division 4 ranking in Poland (doing 95% of the damage of the winning Military Unit in that Division), and finishes 1st in Division 3, a contributing player from Division 4 will receive:
- 3 days of -99% Training Contract
- 5 +50% Damage Boosters of 20 minutes

- The timer of any current Training Contract owned by a citizen will freeze for the duration of the new -99% Training Contract. After the new contract expires, the old contract will be resumed.
- Players above level 201 will receive Energy Bars instead of Training Contract days.

Individual Decorations

During the Kill Rush, Citizens can earn unique Decorations for their profiles.

- If the Military Unit is ranked 1st in the Damage Leaderboard for Division X in its country, all the Divison X members will get a Decoration on their profile.
- If the Military Unit is ranked 2nd in the Damage Leaderboard for Division X in its country, all the Divison X members will get a Decoration on their profile.
- If the Military Unit is ranked 3rd in the Damage Leaderboard for Division X in its country, all the Divison X members will get a Decoration on their profile.
- A Decoration for every member of the top 25 Regiments in the world (ranking is based on kills).

Military Unit rewards

Military Units will receive points for their position in the country leaderboards of Damage in all 4 divisions:
- For each 1st place: 5 points
- For each 2nd place: 2 points
- For each 3rd place: 1 point

Each point will result in the Military Unit winning more currency to its account. The currency reward is calculated using the following formula:
(Points / 30) * Number of kills during the tournament

For example, if a Military Unit gets 8 points and defeats 60,000 opponents, their reward will be 16,000 currency. With 0 points, no matter how many kills the unit does, the reward will be 0 currency.

Military Unit Decorations
- A Decoration for the Military Unit dealing the highest amount of damage in Division X, in country Y
- A Decoration for the Military Unit dealing the 2nd highest amount of damage in Division X, in country Y
- A Decoration for the Military Unit dealing the 3rd highest amount of damage in Division X, in country Y

Regiment Competition

Apart from the rewards given based on Military Unit’s performance on a national scale, a separate international Regiment Leaderboard can be found in the Weekly Leaderboards. The ranking will be based on kills.

The prize pool is following:
- Plato’s base prize: 5 000 Gold
- Player generated prize: 50 more Gold for every 1 000 kills done by citizens born before Day 2,465 during the tournament

The best Regiments will split the prize pool in the following fashion:

1) Gold Tier - 1st place and Regiments achieving 90% or more of the kills the 1st Regiment did will split 50% of the prize pool
2) Silver Tier - Regiments achieving 80% or more of the kills the 1st Regiment did will split 30% of the prize pool
3) Bronze Tier - Regiments achieving 70% or more of the kills the 1st Regiment did will split 15% of the prize pool
4) Mentions - Regiments achieving 50% or more of the kills the 1st Regiment did will split 5% of the prize pool

Please note that a Regiment can only win prizes from one tier. For example, a Regiment doing 82% of the kills the 1st Regiment of the international leaderboard did will only belong to Silver Tier.

The rewards will be added after the tournament and the timing will be specified later.