[SLO/ENG] Meaning of life by Don KronoX

Day 2,284, 06:51 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Lotus Black

PS: English version is at the bottom.

Včeraj je potekala memorialna akcija za Don KronoX-a ob 2. obletnici njegove smrti (akcija se nadaljuje tudi danes in jutri). Nad odzivom in komentarji sem bila ponovno pozitivno presenečena in sem se odločila, da v zahvalo z vami delim eno izmed Aljoševih literarnih del.


Smisel življenja

Kaj je smisel življenja? Na to vprašanje skušajo odgovoriti stari modreci, svetovni poeti in preproste mamice, ki vsak dan za teboj pospravijo nogavice. In težko je najti odgovor med matematično formulo ali med vrsticami poetične pesmice. Smisel življenja bo vsak našel sam, ko to najmanj pričakuje.

Za teboj je naporen dan. Recimo eden tistih dni, ko misliš, da boš umrl, če bo delo trajalo še pol ure. In ko pogledaš na uro je do konca službe še debelih 5 ur. Otožno pogledaš na mizo. Zdi se ti, da prihaja konec tvojega življenja. In v tem najtemnejšem trenutku imaš vsega dovolj. Vstaneš in sodelavcu rečeš »Grem na čik pavzo« in pobereš svoj plašč ter odideš iz službe.

Tvoja pot se konča v parku čez cesto. Je jesenski dan, še vedno dovolj topel, da lahko mirno sediš zunaj. Poiščeš klopco pod drevesom, skrito za grmovjem, daleč od pogledov mimoidočih. Nekakšna oaza miru samo zate. Vir energije, ki ti bo dal novih moči za tistih 5 napornih ur. In potem te pozdravi znan glas. »Živjo!« Obrneš se in vidiš starega prijatelja. Pozdraviš ga in ga povabiš, da prisede. Videla se nista že vsaj leto dni. Nehote povlečeš cigareto in mu jo ponudiš. »Hvala. Sem prenehal!« ti odvrne. Debelo ga pogledaš, nato pa se v tebi zbudi nekakšna sila in kar naenkrat ga tudi ti ne potrebuješ.

Sonce je visoko na nebu in tvoj plašč, ki je namenjen za deževne in zgodnje zimske dni postane naenkrat debela odeja. Veselo ga slečeš in ga položiš na klopco zraven sebe. S prijateljem začneta obujati spomine iz šolskih dni, ko sta se prav na tem mestu skrivala pred jeznimi pogledi učiteljev, ki so opazili, da nista prisotna pri pouku. A nikoli vaju niso našli.

Minute tokrat za spremembo minevajo zelo počasi, so pravo nasprotje tistih minut, ki minejo kot, da jih ne bi bilo. Zdi se ti, da se je svet ustavil. Tvoje skrbi nenadoma postanejo le še spomin. Spet si tisti majhen učenec, ki uživa vsako minuto, vsak sončen dan na prostosti. Ne bo več dolgo tako, saj bo kmalu zima. Zato je vsak žarek najpomembnejši. Niti ni pomembno o čem govorita. Le, da je tam, in da so tvoje misli nekje daleč za gorami. Nenadoma si poln energije. Poln veselja. Začutiš, da bi lahko tekel še miljo. Kaj miljo, cel maraton. In ko se po urici brezskrbnega pogovora vrneš na delo, se ti tiste 4 ure ne zdijo več tako dolge, tako mučne, tako izčrpljajoče. Pravzaprav si srečen. Veselo se nasmehneš in se vrneš k svojemu delu. In to je smisel življenja. Tisti zadnji sončni žarek.

Yesterday a memorial event took place for Don KronoX's 2n anniversary of his death (another event is scheduled for today and tomorrow, too). I was again pleasantly surprised at responce and comments, so I decided, as a thank you, to share with you one of the Aljoša's literary works (hope my translation does it justice).

Thank you

The meaning of life

What is the meaning of life? Old sages, worldknown poets and simple mothers, who pick up your socks everyday, all try to answer this question. It is difficult to find the answer between a mathematical formula or between the lines of poems. One will find the meaning of life alone and when they least expect it.

There is a busy day behind you. Let say one of those days, when you think you will just die if you have to work another 30 minutes. And then you look at the clock and realise your job doesn't end for another 5 hours. Wistfully you look down at your table. It seems this is the end of your life. And in that darkest moment, you decide you have had enough of it. You stand up, say to your colleague "I'm going on a smoke break", pick up your coat and leave the office.

Your journey ends in the park across the street. It's an autumn day, still warm enough to sit outside comfortably.You find a bench under a tree, hidden behind a bush, far from the sight of the people passing by. A sort of oasis of peace just for you. An energy source that will give you new strength for those five exhausting hours. And then a familiar voice says "Hi!". You turn around and see an old friend you haven't seen in over a year. You greet him back and ask him to join you on the bench. Out of a habbit, you offer him a cigarette. "No, thanks. I quit." he replies. First you look at him funny, but then a hidden force wakes up inside you and suddenly you don't need to smoke it either.

The sun was high in the sky and your coat, which was designed for rainy and early winter days, starts to feel like a thick blanket. Happily you take it off and put in on the bench beside you. You start reminese of old times with your buddy. Remembering the school days, when both of your were hidding like this from the angry teachers who have noticed you weren't in the classroom. They never did find you.

Time goes by slowly, for a change and the minutes passing by are complete opposite of those, that usually fly when you're having fun. It seems like the world has stopped. Your worries suddenly become only a distant memory. Again you become thet little student, who enjoys every minute of every sunny day on the loose. It will not be like this for long, soon there winter will come. so every single sunray is important. It doesn't even matter what you two are talking about. It matters only he is there and your thoughts are somewhere far behind the mountains. Suddenly, you are full of energy. Full of joy. You feel like you could still run a mile. Not a mile, a full marathon!

And after a careless hour of talking, you return back to work - those 4 hours left don't seem so long, so painful, so exhausting. In fact, you're happy. You smile cheerfully and go back to work. And this is the meaning of life. That last ray of sunshine.