Open Your Heart to the e-Universe

Day 2,279, 08:16 Published in USA USA by Silas Soule

Live Sharp Look Smart

Open Your Heart to the e-Universe

This is a two-part, but all-in-one article. Both parts deal with opening your heart to the e-Universe.

The first part is "scientific". It deals with the fact that, in fact, rocket science is not a mysterious, inaccessible, impossible-to-understand thing. It is just some math and physics. So don't worry. When it comes to exploring the e-Universe, YOU HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY! After all, it is just simple rocket science.

The second part is "philosophical". It deals with learning to see e-things as they really are.

PART ONE: Rocket Science!

Kindly click >>> here <<< to blast off with a crushing sound track.

Rocket science game tip #1: Keep calm and shoot straight.

OK e-sci-fi fans, if you have finished with the awesome sound track, have absorbed the awesome game tip, and are still into exploring the Ooooniverse, then click >>> here <<< to listen to an episode of the hilarious BBC show by Helen Keen, "It IS Rocket Science!" while pondering this diagram:

All righty then! Now we're all caught up on rocket science. Super.

So now it's on to...

PART TWO: True Tips for the e-Rift, a/k/a e-Peen Master PQ's Great Wind or Three Laments From a Thought-Cluttered Bucket's Broken Bottom

The First Lament: "It's Not That There is No Success"


Everyone in the whole e-world is the same. Still it's important to investigate. For example, DeweyHaveanuph asked a new SFP comrade to ask Insane Kaleb, "Can players these days depend on achieving success?"

Players inevitably get lost here, building their nests and calling all of this a great matter. Insane Kaleb said, gingerly tiptoeing barefoot through the dog shit, "It's not that there is no success, but how does one ever deal with falling into false dichotomies and banal dialectics?"

He had clearly dragged the new comrade into it. The newsome militant returned to DeweyHaveanuph, reported the whole discussion to him, and was promptly given membership on the Revolutionary Committee.


The nature of diamond-like e-wisdom is that it includes the whole e-universe. eRepublik is an endless blue mountain, free of even of particle of dust. It is boundless rivers of tumbling torrents, ceaselessly flowing.

The Second Lament: "Shiloh13 Polishes a Brick"


e-Peen Master MessianicNoahide was a member of guerilla cell led by Shiloh13 and personally received the Freedom-Socialist Mind Meld from him, exceeding all the other comrades. Before that, he lived in a Jedi Commune and did comparative economic e-analysis all day long. Knowing that MessianicNoahide was a Jedi, Shiloh13 went to him and asked, "Great player, what do you intend by doing economic e-analysis?" (Those who have received the Freedom-Socialist Mind Meld will be asking themselves here, "Is this a real story about a real dragon, or only an imitation?")

MessianicNoahide said, "I am intending to be a teacher". (And we must wonder, can a teacher become a teacher?)

Shiloh13 picked up a brick and started polishing it, indicating that what e-exists is not just what appears before our e-eyes.

MessianicNoahide, who wanted to understand, said, "What are you doing?"

Shiloh13 said, "I am trying to make a mirror." (But what was he saying, really?)

MessianicNoahide asked, "How can you make a mirror by polishing a brick?"

Shiloh13 said, "How can you become a teacher by doing economic e-analysis?"

MessianicNoahide said, "What do you mean by that?"

Shiloh13 said, "Think about driving a car. When it stops moving, do you blame the ignition or the tires?"

MessianicNoahide said nothing.

Shiloh13 said, "Do you want to practice economic e-analysis or the e-analysis of teaching? If you understand teaching, you know that it is not about either economics or analysis, nor resting in any abode. Teaching and teaching with analysis has no fixed form. The virtue of being a teacher is killing the teacher. If we are attached to any analysis, then we have not yet mastered the essential principle.

MessianicNoahide heard this admonition and felt as if he had tasted sweet nectar. He was instantly admitted to the Revolutionary Committee.


The very moment of teaching eRepublik is killing all teachers of eRepublik. The reality of the e-Universe fills your body and mind, yet it is not manifested without practice, nor realized without analysis. Unless you are prepared to move forward and take risks, the truth of your e-life and of the e-Universe is never realized. Don't tell me -- show me.

On the tips of ten million leaves of grass, each and every dewdrop contains the light of a single moon. Since the beginning of e-time, not a single droplet has ever been forgotten. Some realize this. Some do not.

The Third Lament: "Come Closer"


Once a new SFP comrade asked Great Teacher-Leader-Commander Osmany Ramon, "What is the meaning of Dio Brando saying he is a socialist?" This question has been batted about SFP committee meetings for centuries. Still, it remains fresh.

Osmany Ramon retorted, "It's just like this!" and he started to walk away, one step after another.

The newbie, who was not terribly alert to subtleties, asked further, "So what do you have to teach these days?"

The Great Teacher-Leader-Commander, who was very kind, stopped and said, "Come closer."

The student, understanding the instruction, moved closer.

Osmany Ramon then offered what may be a more difficult instruction: "Keep this in mind."


The Way of the Great Wind has no side roads. The truth is not in seeing or hearing, nor can it be found in words and ideas. Pass through a forest of brambles and untie all the chains of Teachers and analysis if you want to join the Revolutionary Committee.

In this story, despite Osmany Ramon being covered with water and mud, the newbie still does not get it -- an awkward situation. Be that as it may, if you, dear reader, can see into Osmany Ramon's truth, that the nature of coming and going is not a matter of analysis, then his compassionate efforts will have been in vain after all.

The bright shining sun lights up the e-sky. The pure whispering e-wind covers the e-earth.

Th-tha-that's all folks!

Thanks for reading.