The Norsefire Party is Born!

Day 162, 14:19 Published in Canada Canada by Adam Sutler

My Fellow Canadians,

By now many of you have had a chance to read the newspapers detailing Minister Wilkmots resignation from the Presidency of the CNP. First of all we at the CNP are saddened by the circumstances under which our leader has left us, but are comforted by the knowledge that he will be assisting the reconstruction of young Switzerland, and we at the CNP wish him the best in his future endeavours.

Many of you will also recognize the unenviable position in which I have been placed, being left as the leader of one of our nations oldest institutions with but 1 day before the election takes place. Furthermore, I find myself running against the very man whom I supported in the previous Party Elections, and a man whom I have a great amount of respect and admiration for, Mr. Derick Braham. Admittedly Kim Campbell was left in better circumstances than I am, and those of you who understand that reference are probably laughing your asses off. But let it be known that while I have been appointed to the position of CNP leader, if elected my term will not be synonymous with that of Gerald Ford’s. This is one Party Leader who will not be remembered for falling down the steps of Air Force One. But Party President I am, and as such I have a responsibility to the Canadian People as well as my party, a responsibility to provide a viable alternative to the Canadian Paradox Party. After the awful, bloody struggle that was the War of Nave’s Toe there were calls for unity, calls for a new political system, a revolution of sorts. I have heard these cries and I have listened. It is time for a new party! It is time for a new Era! It is time for Canadians to take back their destiny from the hands of inactive, unrepresentative, and incompetent leaders!

Ladies and Gentlemen, My Fellow Canadians, and our millions of illegal aliens, it is with great pride that I announce the CNP’s Policy Platform:

The Reclamation!

Reclaim Your Party

The Canadian Party System has experienced one of the largest political reversals in recent history, for both parties are now headed by men of action who did not in fact actively seek their positions in the previous party elections. In the CNP, we found ourselves diluted by the exodus of our experienced ministers and congressmen into the independent realm. Clearly Wilkmot’s undemocratic win by default did not sit well with many party members, myself included; but what is done is done. We in the CNP must now decide what direction our party will take in the last day of this electoral campaign. As such the CNP will henceforth change its name and image. The old Canadian Nationalist Party is now gone. Rising like the Phoenix from its ashes is the new NORSEFIRE PARTY! This new party will be devoted to those three great principles of Canada: Peace, Order and Good Government!

Reclaim Your Constitution!

Like many counties in eRepublik, Canada is without a constitution. It shall be the goal of the Norsefire Party to create a lasting, effective constitution. For such a document to be created, we must examine the Political, Judicial, Military, Economic and External principles upon which we want our dear country to stand. As such the Norsefire Party is committed to investigating and solving the following questions relevant to our Consitution:

How will the constitution be created?
What are the duties of the President/Prime Minister?
What are the duties of the Cabinet?
What are the duties of the Congress/Parliament?
What are the duties of the Mayors?
How are Cabinet Ministers to be selected?
Should there be a body for Sober Second Thought?
Should the President, Cabinet, Congress or Mayors hold a veto over legislation?

What is the primary lawmaking body in Canada?
What is the formula for constitutional change?
What is the top judicial body in Canada?
Who is to formally create contracts for citizens and Government?
What constitutional rights (Social, economic or political) should Canadians enjoy?
Does the state have a place in the bedrooms of the nation?
Should there be a secession provision within the constitution? (EG. Hawaii)
Should Canadian territory be available for sale?
Can Canada purchase foreign territory?
Should Ministers be held accountable for the actions of their President? (just following orders?)

Military and External Affairs
Who’s support is needed in order to declare war?
Who’s support is needed in order to end war?
Who has the authority to sign International Agreements such as MPPs and NAPs?
Should the constitution limit military action to non-belligerent warfare (defense of ones self or allies?)
Is it constitutional to hire mercenaries in times of war?
Who has the authority to sign Trade agreements?
Should Canada create foreign embassies?
Can Canada extradite, exile or ostracize users as punishment for breaking Canadian or international laws?
Should Psychological warfare be legally allowed in Canada?

Should Capitalism be enshrined within the Constitution/ should Canada outlaw communism?
Should S.O.’s be legal? If so, should they be for private or government usage only? Should there be a limit? To whom should the gold from its invitation be given?
Should there be a corruption provision within the constitution? (Outlawing removal of government funds from treasury without Congressional/Cabinet/mayoral/public approval?

Reclaim Your Health!

With food production suffering a significant slowdown brought on by increased demand, one of my first acts as President would be to temporarily eliminate all import taxes upon imports until such a time as Domestic production can meet domestic demand. Should the food shortage continue unabated, wage subsidies for food workers will be considered in order to move workers from non-essential wartime industries such as Weapons and Moving tickets manufacturing and into our food and gift sector. Should Such subsidies fail to meet domestic production needs, the Bank of Canada may be used to downsize some companies so as to move workers into fewer, higher quality food industries.

If the market successfully rights itself, then crown corporations shall be established within the food and gifts market, to be run by the Ministry of Health. These Crown Corporations will build up a reserve of food and gift supplies to be released onto the market in the case of any such future shortages, and serve as Q1 training centers for our higher quality companies.

Furthermore, the Ministry of Health will continue to offer free gifts for workers as soon as they come on the market in order to raise our national productivity, and heal those who have been damaged by the scourge of war.

Reclaim Your Security!

The War of Nave’s Toe has taught us two important lessons. The first of course is that in a pinch, Canadians can organize swiftly and effectively. The second is that we cannot merely rely upon non-aggression pacts. In order to prevent a future war with the United States or any other of our allies, I will embark upon setting up a series of MPPs with neighboring states. Spain, Portugal, Romania and Italy shall become our main allies, as they have proved their worth and nobility to the people of Canada. Under my leadership, Canada will also strive to secure Mutual Protection Pacts with Ireland , Switzerland, France and Japan, and establish diplomatic relations with, and perhaps NAPs or MPPs with Great Britain, Brazil, Mexico and Sweden. Finally, I will also seek to extend the Non-Aggression Pact with the United States of America, so that the scourge of war may never again reach Canadian shores.

On a micro-management side, I will strive to create a constitutional program for mayors in which they will be entrusted by the ministry of National Defense to establish their own provincial defense teams. Rather than having the Minister of Defence form and command one regiment made up of the soldiers of Canada, he will command 14 smaller regiments organized by the Mayors.

The 14th regiment will be a separate foreign Legion, the Canadian Rangers, which shall be deployed to foreign territory should any of our allies be assaulted, and will be comprised of Canada’s top volunteers. A battle-based system may be utilized to cycle soldiers through this regiment, sending soldiers to the front lines for one battle or conflict, and replacing them with newer soldiers so as to maximize experience collection.

Reclaim your Economy!

I admit that economic matters are my shortcoming, for while I took Macroeconomics as a course; I did poorly in it. Though as the immortal Lewis Black says, “It wasn’t my fault, it was taught at 8:30 AM, and there is nothing you can learn out of one bloodshot eye.” In this sense, I will request that Canada’s greatest Economic Mind, the honorable Derick Braham, retain his position as Finance Minister, as well as taking over the ministry of Banking, much as he had outlined in the CPP platform.

In order to provide humanitarian assistance to those who have lost their homelands to belligerents, one of my first acts as Prime Minister will be to offer 2000 CAD on the money markets, which can be exchanged for Israeli NIS , or Australian AUD. This will serve to attract the experienced refugees to our nation, so that this CAD may then be used to bolster our economy, and provide a much-needed Labour force to contribute in this time of economic slowdown.

I will also ensure that at least 5000 CAD will be placed upon the Currency Exchange Market, at the stated market price, in order to purchase domestic gold which may come onto the market. I would also seek to duplicate Minister Braham’s suggestion of purchasing gold upon international markets in order to build up our nations gold reserves. With this I hope to expand our nations treasury to 1000 Gold by June 1st, and 1500 Gold by July 1st.

I will also charge the Banking Minister with offering loans to one company in each sector of the economy in order to improve their quality rating; particularly in regards to Mortimer Jenkins’ arms company so that it may finally reach Q4 capabilities. Though this, we hope that every Canadian can have a chicken in every pot, and a cap in every ass!

Reclaim Alaska!

Canadians have expressed particular interest in the territory of Alaska. In any future conflict, this strategic location will be vastly important to the defense of Canadian Territory. Should the Treasury meet or exceed its golden goal by July 1st, I will begin negotiations with the future U.S. President in hopes of purchasing this territory from our southern neighbour for a reasonable price.

Some of you may have reservations over my leadership given my actions whilst in occupied territory. I, alongside many stranded Canadians wrote hateful, shameful and spiteful things, and it made us into monsters. But know this: I am Your monster, Canada; and like the hounds of hell itself, I will do what ever it takes to protect my home from adversity, be it economic, military, or political. I have given you my vision for the Future, Canada. The world we were invited into, the world which we fought in, the world in which we belong, dies tomorrow night. Where we go from here is a choice that is left to you.

Until next time, God Keep our Land Glorious and Free, Vote Norsefire, and as always,

England and Canada Prevails!

Signe😛 Adam Sutler: Interim President of the Norsefire Party.