Random stuff again

Day 2,160, 04:21 Published in Belgium Belgium by tommot
Random stuff again

Yep, here is some random stuff again.

Political Party listings on day 2160:

01) Res Belgica: 43 members - Party President: NLSP
02) The Belgian Dream: 35 members - Party President: Maresal Lengas
03) P.A.N.D.A: 30 members - Party President: Cika Nikola96
04) H.O.P.E.: 28 members - Party President: Kiyonori Dragnier
05) All TOgethers: 27 members - Party President: Gyantse
06) Union-Unie: 19 members - Party President: DarkoDimovski1
07) Belgian Communist Party: 6 members - Party President: djole1122
😎 Babyboom Retirement Home: 4 members - Party President: Beaverss Tribute to Raskol
09) Belgian Labour Party: 3 members - Party President: Filipe R12
10) Melas Oneiros: 2 members - Party President: Director9

* "Babyboom" was renamed to "Babyboom Retirement Home", this was intended only as a fun change of pase to lighten up the silently running party.

Some random advice on random things:

➲ Don't be an a**.
➲ Help... if you can.
➲ Talk, to learn.
➲ Stand by to what you believe, don't abandon it for a bag of tricks and nice words.
➲ Take a chance... it will never come again.

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