Planting the Seed

Day 2,025, 10:59 Published in South Africa Sweden by Jizzie McGuire

Friends, comrades, countrymen and women. I come to you today as an old fighter and in many minds, an obsolete relic of past glories and devastating defeats. I know that few will read this and even fewer will take me at my word, but believe it or not, I am serious and am speaking the truth.

For the past 4 years I have watched and waited for the time to be right for eSouth Africa to rise up and break the chains of slavery and apathy. For far too long we have been lackeys of the very people who stabbed us in the back in our Liberation War against Indo and have stood as loyal collaborators, enriching those who have exploited us. Sure, we have benefited by having their protection and a portion of our country to ourselves, but at what cost? Is vassalage and servitude our eternal fate or do we want more for ourselves and our country? Do we want to continue as humble puppets of Brazil or do we want to earn back the respect and dignity we once had and felt so briefly and so long ago?

If you believe that the risk involved in bringing honor and glory is more important than the safety and security of being a loyal pet of an opportunistic invader, then consider what I am proposing and support me, the DB and our party when the next election cycle returns in July. I know we have a long way to go until then, but I want everyone to know that I do intend to run once again on a War Platform. No other issues concern me and I am steadfast in my intention to build a powerful alliance and fight Brazil. If you oppose war, than don't vote for me, but if you do, back your words with action.

I am no elitist and I will not serve more than two terms if elected, unless the war situation demands I run for another. However, I plan to have a like-minded successor in place in case that happens, so if the people support us, we will see this through no matter what the cost.

So think on this, my friends, and act according to your conscience. Do you want Total War? If so, then join me and the Dignity Brigade in our fight for freedom. We will accept all comers and all parties as long as you share in our single-minded goal.

Tell your friends, tell your family, tell Randy Gonzalez... I'm comin'.

Dignity First! Dignity Forever!

Acta non Verba!