Hi, I'm Jane, I have a drinking problem [part I]

Day 2,022, 10:29 Published in USA Croatia by FG Lexia

Jane just woke up. She was in her last night's clothes in a strange room. Yesterday was her 17th birthday and she had a party in her back yard. As usually, she had a tiny bit too much to drink, so she barely remembers anything from last night and now her head is pulsating all the time. How she ended up in, what appears to be, somebody's bedroom she has no idea. She hears somebody making sounds on the ground floor. There is also a picture of her geography teacher on the bedside table, along with a bottle of some, probably alcoholic, liquor. What should Jane do?

A ) drink a glass of the liquor
B ) go downstairs
C ) sneak out through the window
D ) scream

Rules of the game: the idea is to comment on what should Jane do next. Tomorrow I'll continue the story according to what you decided (I'll also comment when the voting process has ended, and that will be in about 20 hours, or something like that). Try to be gentle to Jane... or not, it's all up to you, she will do whatever you decide. If you happen to be Jane, just relax and do as you're told.