[ULA] We are back !

Day 2,016, 13:11 Published in Belgium Belgium by MCKitkat


Yes, exactly, WE ARE BACK, back from the shadows. It’s time to unite the real left under one banner and fight for the real standards of the left. That’s why we decided to recreate one of the most, if not the most successfull eBelgian left party.

So why are we here ? To offer you a real possibility to change things. You, yes you !

What do we want ? Solidarity between our citizens, fun, activity but mainly, work for our beautifull nation.

For what does the ULA stand?

We are here to build up a new system, bring changes where others failed. How shall we achieve this ? In working together with the bigger parties but still influencing them and completing our ideas.

We offer activity, not only on our forums, but also on IRC and ingame with constant messages and shouts in our party shout. We want to inform our members and all the citizens about the changes and don’t leave them in the dark. Everyone will have an equal voice in the ULA, you want to say something, then say it !


We help younger players because they are our future and they deserve the help. We want more education and help, thus we want to increase state help but also offer internal help. If you have question, don’t be shy, and ask us. The ULA stands for help and we will help you !

We shouldn’t forget that this is a game, and that we play games for fun. So let’s not forget the fun in all our work. We will bring and offer you fun. Either with chatting or playing games together. We are normal citizens wanting to have fun so why don’t you join us ?

Everyone is equal, young people have as much to say as older citizens. We respect that and thus everyone should get a chance to represent his voice. We hold internal votes for important decisions like congress elections or decisions which concern everyone.

Everyone is equal yes, thus also other parties have the same right to be heard. We have to work hand in hand, because only together we can make something great. We can’t afford to work alone as everyone can contribute to our country. We shouldn’t make ourselves enemies in our country. We all need to work together or nothing will change and we will stay in our old system.


Join us, join ULA for change, for real change and lots of fun 🙂



Your Party President: MCKitkat
Your Vice-President: Zangetsu-Osan

For shouts: [ULA] We are back! http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-ula-we-are-back--2268447/1/20