[MoFA] TWO vs. CoT: Is There Anything Else?

Day 2,005, 00:46 Published in United Kingdom North Macedonia by Foreign Office

Hi there,
We will bring you another update and what not on foreign affair chizzle. But before I give word to Anna tolasi, I(Mitttekemuis) would like to say welcome to Anna tolasi. She recently joined us as dMoFa on my request.She has a big MoFA experience in several countries and has been mainly implicated in Romania for almost two years. If you have any question about this just poke me or her and we will answer.

Okay on with important stuff. Lets Talk about the difference between CoT and TWO:

Since the departure of Romania from EDEN and the death of this alliance that followed soon after some majors changes have happened but still some countries have not found their way and are waiting for an opportunity, either to go in a dominant alliance or to participate in the creation of a new one hoping it will change the current state of things.
We may wonder what are those ex eden and terra countries up to and what will it change for the UK and the rivalry between TWO and CoT, the two currently dominant alliances.

Romania and Greece have definitely taken a step toward TWO by launching votes to enter into a trial in their ex enemy alliance and by doing so have raised the potential power of the alliance even higher than it already was and also wreaks havoc in the Balkans and changes the face of the world since most of the big battles between TWO and EDEN were happening there.

In Western Europe, the status quo holds almost everywhere, smaller countries probably looking to find what is the best for them in the current turmoil. As we see Austria is going proTWO, France seeking hail with CoT and Germany getting accepted as a CoT trial member. USA has an interest in Europe, they stand to gain quite a good image towards European CoT sided countries posing itself as a liberator. With far less wars in Asia and in the Balkans than over the last months/years, it is obviously very important for the USA to protect its own soil but also to try to be seen as a match for TWOs big guns in order to attract the countries still wondering about their future and that could maybe attract some to CoT.

In Asia we can see that RoC(Taiwan) is taking the same route as its former balkan allies by signing MPPs with countries which either belong to TWO or are aligning towards the alliance. China is acting differently, just keeping MPPs with old allies from EDEN countries probably waiting to see what direction to take since the situation is quite safe for the moment.

Will Asgard focus on the war between Finland and Estonia that started three days ago or will they take part in the COT / TWO war which is about to become bigger.

To summarize we can assume the fights will now take place either in the Russian zone or in France for some weeks at least. TWO will want to push one of those fronts whereas CoT will have to make a show of confidence by resisting until the undecided countries of importance (Turkey, Croatia and China) make their final moves by joining an existing alliance or trying the adventure of creating a new one.

This does not change much for the UK, we will be free to help our allies whether they are old ones or new since they will need us now more than ever!

About Wales
We have heard some citizens complaining about wales being held by Poland. We hear your complaint but please notice that it costs UK nothing at all and that it allows for current big military options for the alliance we are a part of, keeps our mainland secure by deterring possible enemies and is all round better for the bigger scheme of things.

We are glad to inform you that RoC (Taiwan) has been voted as a member of ACT this very day. RoC is about the same size as us and have a great strategical position for us, as they are 7 hours ahead of us.
May they prove to be the healthy and powerful ally we know they can be!

To close of this article we want to remind you we have a whole team working within the foreign affairs department.
Kapten Johnson
Nicoli Pace
Mancha HQ
Sir Rex Fleddington
Philip Blackadder Rosovsky

Hail TWO! o7
Hail UK! o7

Your friendly MoFA team,
Kapten Johnson - Anna Tolasi - Mittekemuis