Извънредно обръщение - THANK YOU ALLIES!

Day 1,986, 03:19 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by Government of eBulgaria


Тази статия ще е кратка, но смятам че е редно да отправя благодарност към съюзниците ни, които се биха с нас вчера в тази наистина оспорвана битка. Разбира се, малко пропаганда никога не е излишна. Използвам възможността да ви напомня, че имаме по-малко от три дни да напълним запасите за въздушен удар. Нека всеки, който може да го направи на следния линк, остават около 3 милиона точки здраве.


I wish by this article to thank all our allies for the great victory yesterday! We showed that our once tiny alliance, has grown strong and is tough enough to withstand the heavy attacks. We showed that despite everything, we can still be worthy opponent in an overwhelming odds. We showed our good intentions by expressing our willingness to end this war, but it seems our enemy doesn't want to stop it. Nevertheless, we will continue the fighting, despite some of our former allies preferred Romania instead of us.

First of all i wish to thank all our allies from Circle of Trust! I won't enlist names, you know who you are, and you know you are great!

On second place i wish to thank our allies that are not currently in CoT, but has close ties to it and are our good friends. Thank you - Brazil, Venezuela, Belarus, India, Russia, Germany and Egypt!

In last place I wish to express my gratitute to two countries that showed they can resist the heavy pressure and be true ally. Thank you Hungary and Spain for keeping your dignity and honor! Thank you for your support!

Köszönöm, Magyarország!

Gracias, España!

Finally - if you of you have free food, you can help us finish our airstrike programme!

Many thanks again!

The Graverobber
President of eBulgaria