Weapons Analysis Part 2- Profitability

Day 1,945, 04:34 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Elvis Trout

Welcome back for part 2 of my weapons price analysis this article will look at which weapons factories are most profitable. Basically there are two answers depending on whether you buy WRM or produce it yourself.

The reason this is different is that if you are buying WRM the only market offers are at £0.03 and if you are producing it yourself you can only get it sold fast at £0.02 so there are effectively two different prices.

So lets look at buying WRM first, our costs per worker at 0.03/wrm are

weapon cost
Q1 4.80
Q2 9.60
Q3 14.40
Q4 19.20
Q5 24.00
Q6 28.80
Q7 96.00

and after averaging the first 100 prices for weapons and then removing tax our profits per worker per day are:

Q1 3.36
Q2 6.24
Q3 13.60
Q4 19.04
Q5 31.68
Q6 32.00
Q7 14.00

Which makes Q7 about as profitable as Q3, and Q5/6 come out as the best.
Edit: if you have the storage to sell WRM at 0.03 this is as far as you need to read. Below only applies to people who sell WRM at 0.02

However if you are producing WRM yourself Q7 uses the most WRM and therefore gets the biggest benefit from the reduced costs.

weapon cost
Q1 3.20
Q2 6.40
Q3 9.60
Q4 12.80
Q5 16.00
Q6 19.20
Q7 64.00

and the profitability picture changes drastically:

Q1 4.96
Q2 9.44
Q3 18.40
Q4 25.44
Q5 39.68
Q6 41.60
Q7 46.88

and Q7 is back on top

Thanks for reading, hope this was helpful. I don't care about subscribers but feel free to friend me in game or give me some listens 🙂