Neka me ne zaborave....

Day 1,943, 16:51 Published in Serbia Serbia by Panda monium

Neka me ne zaborave one svetiljke moga malog grada pod kojima sam jos kao dete sanjario i mastao o sreci...Koje sam uvek dozivljavao kao svoja svetla neke nove nade...
Jos uvek zrace istom svetloscu ali vise pod njima nema mene...

Neka me ne zaboravi ni ona moja hladna,plava reka koju sam vole kao najmilijeg svog!!I ako neprestano tece uvek je bila tu za sve nas decu kojima su drugi krali detinjstvo a ona nam svojom cistotom vracala nadu....

I tece Gradac za neku novu decu kada nas vise ne bude ali neka nas pamti...Dao sam mu deo svoga srca da neprestano tece i da ostane sacuvano od zaborava!!

Nek me ne zaborave stari Cigani sa Baira koji sve nase pesme znase...I kada para nismo imali oni su nam svirali!!Stari Ciga sa svojom jos stariom violinom pratio je ritam naseg srca i kada smo plakali i kada smo se radovali!!Nismo ni morali da mu kazemo znao je bolje od nas koja nam pesma tada treba...

Dosli su neki novi sviraci,nove pesme i neki novi klinci ali nek se pamti da smo i mi pevali i plakali...

Ne zaboravi me ni ti kaldrmo kraj Spomenika stara...E koliko mojih stopa si ponela i nikada se nisi pozalila da sam ti tezak!!Nestaces i ti jednoga dana,doci ce neko i skinuce te a na tvom mestu postaviti neki novi put ali zaboraviti te necu a pamti i ti mene...

I jos zelim samo kada umrem neka me po pesmi pamte,a Ciranima recite na grob sa pesmom neka mi svrate...Neka zapevaju pesmu neku,koju samo oni znaju,da bas te koje svi volimo i koje za uvek traju!!
Ako vam nije tesko na grobu ostavite par ruza ili hrizantema da se zna da me medju vama vise nema....

May they never forget me...

May my small town's streetlights that I've been daydreaming and thinking of happines beneath, back when I was a child, never forget me... The streetlights that I always perceived as my own lights of some new hopes...
They still glow with this same light, but I'm not beneath them anymore...

May that cold, blue river of mine, that I loved as deeply as my beloved ones, also never forget me. Even though it never-endingly flows away, it has always been there for all of us children whose childhood was stolen by others over and over again - it has always been there to bring the hope back to us with its purity.

Gradac, still flowing, and going to flow, for some other children, when we cease to be... But may it remember us... I gave it a piece of my own heart, so that it may incessantly flow, and never fall into oblivion!

May the old Gypsies of Bair, who always knew each and every of our songs, never forget me... Even when we came to them with empty pockets, they would play for us, anyway! The old Gypsy with his antique violin would play along the rythm of our hearts both when we would cry, and when we would rejoice! We wouldn't even have to utter a word - he always knew what song befits us at every particular time...

There are some other musicians now, new songs, other kids, there... But may it be remembered that we also used to sing and weep...

May you, paver, down at the Old monument also never forget me... Oh, just how many of my footsteps you have used to carry, never complaining that I was too heavy to bear! You will also cease to be one day, they will come and strip you off the ground, placing some new, different road in your place, but I shall not forget you - may you remember me as well...

At the very end, may they remember me for the songs when I'm gone, and tell the Gypsies to stop off at my grave with a song... Let them sing a song that only they can and know - yes, the kind that we all love and that lasts forever! If it's not too big an effort to you, leave a couple of roses or chrysanthemums at my grave, so that they may know that I'm not amongst you anymore...

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