Happy Christmas everyone...

Day 1,862, 04:36 Published in USA Serbia by sasa55555

Hi fellow eAmericans,first thing I wish you happy Christmas to everyone in our US of A.
I am as you can see Serb in RL,and we are orthodox christians so our christmas is on January the 6-th,but nevertheless,I want you to know that I wish you all happy holidays,so I have made some little presents for you.

Before I continue with this,just one important notice,some will say I am serb PTO-er,because of my political belief(I am a member of AFA),I call them elitist,but if that was the case I probably wouldnt do all this,would I.

So lets continue with this article,my gift to you is some items food,currency,even some weapons,and one of you would get even gold...XD,I will randomly send you gifts,again I must say this because of elitist,I DONT WANT TO BUY YOUR VOTES,AND EVEN IF YOU VOTED FOR SOME OTHER PARTY you will get your present,because we in AFA dont do that,its everyones personal decision for whom they will vote,I know my party will do good,because we are awesome..

So,leave a comment(what ever you like,elitist its not a problem,insult me as you want,you will also get present),and enjoy everybody...