My E-Election Manifesto

Day 1,857, 23:31 Published in India Croatia by Prasad H

Hi All,
I speak for YUVAA. I speak for the Youth. My voice is of the Youth.

Hereby I am declaring my E-Election manifesto for Congress election

1. RTI - I swear by my sweat, blood and strength to bring RTI to E-Indian governance. Because "Buddhau Saranam Anvicha - Let intelligence be your sole quest"


Information is wealth
Knowledge is strength
And my Right (to info) is Might
For which I will always fight

I will strive to bring out the discussions in Parliament to the public knowledge.
Bring people for discussion to create free opinion
For people are KINGS and they are GODS

2. Economy - "Rerum cognoscere causas - Understand the Causes of Things"

I will work hard to bring transperancy to our economic position. I will ask and bring out answer
What is the Income?
How did it come?
What is the Expense?
Is there any sense?
What is VAT?
How to make our treasury Fat?
What is TAX?
How to provide relax?

3. Foreign Policy

Na kashchit kasyachinmitram na kashchit kasyachidripuh
Vyavahaarena jaayante mitraani ripavastathaa
No one is a friend per se and no one is an enemy per se; friends and enemies are created out of personal dealings and behaviour.
- Arthashashtra by Kautilya

I will actively participate in e-Indian foreign policy giving it thrust and direction..
To fight with friends and to fight against foes
Strive to build the image of my country

To strike fear in our enemies and

command respect from our allies

Provided the opportunity to be in congress

I will work for the newbies and the lesser previliged

H. Prasad