The New UKIP Way

Day 1,839, 07:38 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by LongShotzZ
The New UKIP Way


The recent lack of new members flowing into UKIP (UK Independence Party) has been brought to attention by one of our newest members 'Alfagram' who has decided to put all of his efforts into making this party have a major role in eUK. I understand that some people are unwilling to leave their parties in order to assist our reconstruction of eUK but hopefully this will give you the information you need to make a balanced decision on our actions.

Our Aims:

We aim to be the most equal and fairest party in eUK, by joining us you will get the right to have an input on every decision that is made within UKIP. We will be entirely open and honest with each and every member no matter what their postion/rank within the party. If you believe in a fair wage for all eUK members we're the ones to talk to. We hope that we can make your eUK experience one to remember, and not for the wrong reasons.

Party Supplies:

With the ideas that 'Alfagram' has had to get us on our way we have come up with some simple but all together appealing supply concepts.

-> Working for UKIP will yield a 65 GBP wage (only if a member of UKIP)
-> Members of UKIP will get 1000 health and 10 Q7 tanks each weekend
-> A personal 'strike-kit' of 1000 health and 10 Q6 tanks every Friday until a proper military unit has been created
-> Workers of UKIP will receive 15 Q7 tanks for each day they work of the week, delivered on Sunday (max of 15x7=105 tanks) to defend eUK

If you believe this is some form of bribery then you are mistaken, our intention is to kickstart your eUK experience with us so that you can get yourself up and running. If you do not want to have these privledges so that you can make it on your own then please notify the UKIP president and they will stop them from occuring/proceeding.

How We Can Do This:

With the help of each and every member of eUK (UKIP member or not) we can help to strengthen this country and take over further lands to increase national profits in all regions.

By joining UKIP you will be helping in this effort and therefore helping yourself. (We shall give gold rewards for winning ideas on our party name, avatar(s) etc once we get initially set-up).

Yours Sincerely,