Smash The Deciding Elite

Day 1,806, 18:51 Published in Belgium Belgium by Kylero

Groupthink: a psychological phenomenon that occurs within groups of people, in which the desire for harmony in a decision-making group overrides a realistic appraisal of alternatives. Group members try to minimize conflict and reach a consensus decision without critical evaluation of alternative ideas or viewpoints.

The Truth About eBelgium

Here's a little mood music.

Okay, so...

I think I have pinpointed the problem with the culture of eBelgium. Groupthink. What you have is a bunch of people who think they know best and are reaffirmed by people who don't know any better because either:
a. They're too young to know any better; or
b. They hope to be part of the deciding elite; or
c. They don't know any better

These "deciding elite" can never be wrong. They never make a mistake. And they always support each other against a perceived "other". Everything is serious business unless they don't think its serious.

Roleplaying is only what they decide is important. Fun is their idea of fun, and that is your problem. The "deciding elite" are perfectly fine with mismanaging tax revenue in order to pay for their personal gain (XP, medals, and strength), but when you call them out on it, YOU are the problem, and YOU are a threat, and YOU are the one ruining the community...

Well I'm here to tell you, this is not the way forward for eBelgium. If you elect Lily Jayne Summers, you will get more of the same. Same old people in charge. Same old exclusionary politics under the illusion of transparency. Same old redistribution of tax income into the hands of older players from foreign countries who build up their strength, get some medals, and then go back to their home countries.

If you are like me and are tired of this, please support my candidacy for CP, either as a political party or as a voter.

