Dear eAustralia...

Day 1,772, 00:23 Published in Australia Australia by Ranger Bob
First things first:

I have to say, and, to be fair to the current movers and shakers in our small,, this has been going on for a long time.

Be it fighting over indonesian policy, ATLANTIS policy, PEACE policy, PHEONIX policy, SOL, ONE, NZ, TERRA, EDEN, TWO, FOUR, EIGHT or whetever new alliance tends to pop up - here in eAustralia on many an occasion,

we tend to be our own worst enemy.

I to an extent totally agree and endorse some of TJs rather unique recent views on the matter. We support a population of new people that then move on, and have a serious retention problem with new players..

However, we need to unpack the "why" of the situation. Why is it that when people come they end up leaving feeling rather annoyed, bitter, dissappointed, {insert whatever term you will]. And, perhaps yes, sometimes it just plain suits someone to immigrate here for a little whiles and make their mark, get some good conditions, fight a few battles and move on.

BUT - I'm pretty sure not ALL these people just use eAus for the resources and small population it offers (which if you want to be involved in politics, probably works for the Senator medal hunter that just needs to convince two people - sometime's none - to get elected).

I think there tends to be a couple of problems.

1. Many people don't actually LISTEN to each other.

Sure you have a view - express it. But just because someone doesn't agree with you that doesnt mean it needs to become a tree-pissing contest. This is not something new around here - anyone with the fortitude to go back on the eAus forums, or relevant articles will see many an occasion where someone puts up an idea, and the trolling begins. What can remain a rational discussion just deteriorates into a slug fest, where, to a casual reader, OR NEW PLAYER, it just looks like stupid childish crap.

Question 1: Do we lose more people than we keep because we look like a bunch of f**ktards? Honest Question.

2. Respect is a fleeting thing.

The community as a whole has a right to determine its fate. Sure in democracy this means we elect our leaders. And they should indeed lead. But, where is the fun for the newer, younger player in seeing our leaders either continually fighting, raising rediculous points of order against each other and basically again, looking like Lindsay Lohan could beat us hands down in a mythbusters special on rocket science?

I do understand in many ways, this is how politics works in real life. But, heads up - this game is not real. People did not come here to escape real life and have fun to see more "real life" than the world they are escaping.

Question 2: Do we lose more people than we keep because rather than work together and accept majority rules, people just come up with ways of screwing the nation over once again? NUT UP.

At the time _I_ joined this game, it was a far more united community. To an extent because we all had a "common" enemy to the north outside out border. Did it mean people didn't argue? Hell no. Folk like Australian Warlord made people like br0adside go more nuts than Gene Wilder on that boat in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (and I was a young lad at the time when I watched that - gave me nightmares for months!).

BUT - in the end people all agreed on some basic principles, and though many had a different view on how to get there were a lot more respectful of other people's opinions.

At one point, we had over 600 people voting actively in an election. New people were sticking around, and seeking to participate. Now I sense we lose more than we keep mainly because it's like being on the bus near a couple that scream and argue. For some it might be titalating, for many though they choose to keep their head down, and might avoid taking that particular bus in future.

I'm not sure why I'm writing this other than out of perhaps a nostalgic desire to say my piece on the matter. I doubt the people contributing to this (on ALL sides) will change in a hurry.

But, I do hope new players read this and realise that regardless you can provide the change required. Ignore the few and focus on the fact that unless you participate the few will continue to control and infect the social fibre to the point eAus becomes what it to some extent is.

A two-clicking community.

Kind regards

PS: In the recent matters I feel a couple of people need to remember when they were younger and enthusiastic, and didn't act like this. If you are so bitter you can't see that it is just going to hurt the community...guys take a break for a few months.

It's summer in Aus in RL soon.

Go to the beach.

Pat a puppy.

Help an old lady cross the street.

Drink a few beers over the BBQ

Neck a bottle of bundy & tackle a Meter Maid. (
Do something else for a while.