21 Questions With DerBrad NOT Dan Breen

Day 1,527, 16:35 Published in Ireland Ireland by DerBrad

This is a daily interview series conducted by Dan “The Man” Breen (send him a friend request please), the purpose of this series is to install a level of activity into the Irish media and to encourage a “get to know each other” atmosphere within the community. All interviewees are current or past citizens or people with some relevance to this country.
Today is interview #18, which will be Guest written by myself, because the subject of today's interview is none other than:
Dan Breen

Real Life

1. First name: Adam
2. Age: 21
3. Occupation: Retail
4. Country/County: Ireland/Wicklow
5. College/Subject: Studying a BA in Accounting & Finance during the night
6. Favourite Hobby: Gym
7. Favourite Movie: Rocky
8. Favourite Book: Lance Armstrong's Its Not About The Bike
9. MU: ICA
10. Why you joine😛 Its lead by people who know whats what internationally, it's full of interesting people & muh brahs and it offers generous supplies
11. Political Party: Labour
12. Why you joine😛 Labour ABU
13. Best Irish Frien😛 It's a tie between Padraig & IBhoy, although I do try to troll them both equally
14. Biggest Irish Enemy: Dunno, maybe Grainne although I thought she was pretty cool trolling Chance after his crap term but then she defended Libertad's liberation of Mexico ;_; I hated SHM with a passion but biggest enemy...it's hard to chose I have so many. Probabley Dubhthaigh, I hate that guy. He had some nerve calling me out during my term after I made him MoF and then he tried frame me after he robbed the bank, you can still see some of the monies in his org lol
15. Best Irish CP: Padraig, hands down. You can't say anybody else without lying.
16. Worst Irish CP: I think cas' answered this well when he said anybody who doesnt do anything. How many people do we see running for CP with the sole intention of just acquiring a medal. If you're running for CP you have to have a clear blueprint of what you want to do, what you're doing to do and how you're doing to do it. I hate when MikeBane or JSK run.
17. Favourite Article: IBhoy's comic but that's been linked numerous times, so number 2 would be my interview with Alexis (he replies to PP's comment lol)
18. Favourite eRepublik Moment: Polish Land Swap into America
19. Worse eRepublik Moment: When those "fake logs" emerged of me during the elections leading up to my term
20. I joined eRepublik from: lol a thread on a bodybuilding forum (no joke)
21. I will quit eRepublik when…: IBhoy and Padraig leave.
Past Interviews


Yours respectfully
