L´interview with Le Diplomat.

Day 1,709, 10:08 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Comrade Vladimir Ulyanow Lenin

18:40 realmadkytle hello and welcome to our next interview
18:40 realmadkytle say hello mg
18:40 realmadkytle
18:40 MonsieurGuillontine hi realmadkytle, nice to be here
18:40 MonsieurGuillontine i will not say hello... i will say hi instead
18:41 realmadkytle you said it already haha
18:41 MonsieurGuillontine hello = / = hi
18:42 realmadkytle and again
18:42 realmadkytle
18:42 realmadkytle how are you
18:42 MonsieurGuillontine i'm great... haha
18:42 realmadkytle so.
18:43 realmadkytle why do you came back to erep
18:44 MonsieurGuillontine well, i got bored and missed talking to people... so i came back
18:44 realmadkytle haha
18:44 realmadkytle which do you missed most?
18:45 MonsieurGuillontine probably rican and bowen the most
18:45 MonsieurGuillontine you're close haha
18:46 realmadkytle okay hehe
18:46 realmadkytle Are you still for guillontism?
18:47 MonsieurGuillontine Ehh... probably not. Just like I got bored of communism, now I got bored of Guillotinism... so now I'm a peace-advocating hippy. Probably will get bored of that eventually too, but for now, that's what I'll be focusing on becoming
18:47 realmadkytle okay.
18:48 realmadkytle Do you like our new alliance? (Circle of Trust)
18:50 MonsieurGuillontine Hmmm... difficult question since I have not been here long enough to judge the success of CoT, but I have always wanted to remain neutral, so I'm not exactly liking CoT. I mean when I think about it, Slovenia was a much more reasonable and weaker enemy when compared to Croatia. But hey, if the Swiss people want to be in CoT, that's not my decision to not allow them to do so!
18:51 realmadkytle who will be if croatia is finished , our hardest enemy ?
18:53 MonsieurGuillontine Well, if Croatia is gone, and if Italy does liberate itself, they will definitely look into harrassing our regions... i wouldn't see why not, especially after we 'betrayed' them. Germany is also a posibility, but they are currently being stripped of their land by the Poles, so we don't really need to worry about them.
18:55 realmadkytle SUPREME TIME
18:55 realmadkytle say something weird on viatnemese
18:57 MonsieurGuillontine ummm... con gà
18:57 MonsieurGuillontine o.o
18:58 realmadkytle nice
18:58 realmadkytle so.
18:58 realmadkytle Who is your favourite of our mpps
19:01 MonsieurGuillontine hmmm i like all countries haha... i don't really have a favorite MPP
19:02 realmadkytle okay
19:02 realmadkytle do you miss sth on erepublik ?
19:03 MonsieurGuillontine be more specific please
19:03 realmadkytle like gifts
19:03 realmadkytle hospitals
19:03 realmadkytle or orgs
19:03 realmadkytle or the battle map
19:04 MonsieurGuillontine i wasn't alive during that time... haha but I do know that there used to be advertisements... I wish we still had those. Organizations would be nice too, especially for political parties as well as military units.
19:05 realmadkytle so . i must now sorry.
19:05 realmadkytle do you have any questions?
19:05 MonsieurGuillontine that made no sense but okay
19:05 MonsieurGuillontine yes i have a question for YOU
19:05 realmadkytle oh wait
19:05 realmadkytle i missed something
19:05 MonsieurGuillontine what do you call a mouse with two legs?
19:05 realmadkytle why did you making BoDis
19:06 realmadkytle mickey mouse.
19:06 MonsieurGuillontine i made BoDis cause it's fun
19:06 MonsieurGuillontine yes, mickey mouse
19:06 MonsieurGuillontine what do you call a duck with two legs?
19:06 realmadkytle all ducks have two legs.
19:06 MonsieurGuillontine ... smart.
19:06 MonsieurGuillontine 😑
19:06 realmadkytle hehe
19:07 realmadkytle The guillontist guillontine is guillontined by the guillontine of the guillontist guillontist which support guillontist guillontinism
19:07 realmadkytle HAHA
19:07 realmadkytle bye bye
19:07 MonsieurGuillontine oh madkytle... what am i going to do with you haha
19:08 realmadkytle