Goodbye, Farewell, and Amen

Day 1,635, 05:03 Published in USA Peru by Hazelrah

I would like to take this opportunity to offer a Farewell Address as Party President!

I am forever grateful for the opportunity you have given me to lead this party for two wonderful months. I am proud of what we have accomplished together and I have great hope in the future leadership.

In the past month I have:

1. Helped the party grow from 645 to 867 in membership!

2. Achieved 20% representation in Congress. <25% is frankly unacceptable, but we learned some valuable lessons this month.

3. Experienced the best month of forum activity since founding!

4. Helped regain traction in the Education Department and train new players.

5. Continued to improve the party Constitution (this will remain the final priority as we transition into a new month).

6. Provided regular public Party President Addresses.

7. Saw AMP members become Vice President, Secretary of Media, and Deputies across ALL departments at the national level.

8. Continued a solid party media presence.

9. Experienced over 100 voters in our forum party president primary!

10. Continued the strongest party leadership team in recent memory.

11. Trained multiple new Directors and Deputies who will be continuing on next month.

I expect Israel Stevens to do an even better job than myself. Below are some of his current goals:

1. Secure the Top 5.
-General Cartman Lee remains a threat. Israel plans on making sure that he is not allowed to be the Party President of a Top 5 Party.

2. The Best AMP Congress ever.
It’s not about getting the most Congressional Seats. It’s about putting the smartest, most active, best people this party has to offer, into Congress. Anyone can win the most seats, if they run a ton of foreign players. That’s not what it is about. We have some excellent people in this party; ones that deserve to be in Congress, and would do great things there. Israel plans on getting them elected.

3. Strength from Within.

The true strength of any party, is how well it trains, and retains people. Parties should be a place of learning, and fun. And Israel plans on pushing Dokomo (Retention Director), to his absolute limits. An active forum, and an active IRC channel, is a must. It’s not about how many people are in the party, it’s about the quality of the people in the party.

These are all tangible, meaningful goals. Ones that we can achieve, and ones that will set us up with a strong group of Senators, but an even stronger internal party. This is about the future, and Israel hopes that you will share his vision and vote for him on the 15th.

The Round Table that will help Israel achieve these goals next month will be:

Chief of Staff: Kria Erikson
Deputy Chief of Staff: Potato134
Communications Director: DokJon
Deputy Communications: HellasUberAlles
PAC Director: David Wilson
Legal Director: Dravik Rixx
Retention Director: Dokomo
Deputy Retention:Matt Gegner
HRT Advisors: Jack Mensley, Cleveland Fleman, Armandez, Brad Gwatney, Ralph Ericson, John Killah, Haliman

I'm really excited for the future of the party, and you should be too!

We are the voice of the people, and we will continue to push ahead and get your voice heard!

We are the American Military Party!

✯✯✯Feel the AMPs!✯✯✯