2012 E-World End & Q8 Eco Weapon spoiler

Day 1,852, 06:02 Published in Romania Romania by Real Vasi
Probabil ca toata lumea, cu exceptia celor care traiesc in pesteri fara acces la internet (da, exista si pesteri cu acces internet ) a auzit de Fenomenul 2012.
Probably everybody, excepting those living in caves without internet access (yes, there are caves with internet access ) has heard about the 2012 Phenomenon.

Pe scurt, acesta prezice sfarsitul lumii asa cum o stim noi pe data de 21 decembrie 2012, in urma unor varii fenomene de natura cataclismica.
Shortly, it predicts the end of the world as we know it on 21 december 2012, as a result of various cataclismic events.

Totusi, aspectul cel mai important pentru noi este reprezentat de efectele pe care acest fenomen le poate avea asupra e-lumii noastre. Iata ce ar trebui sa ne intrebam:
Yet, the most important aspect for us is represented by the after effects that this phenomenon could cause. This is what we should ask ourselves:

Au serverele Erepublik cloud backup?
Do the Erepublik servers have cloud backup?

Vor fi distruse fabricile de arme, inclusiv armele, din Erepublik?
Will the weapon factories in Erepublik, including the weapons, be destroyed?

Daca da, vom primi refund de gold?
If yes, will we get a refund?

Ce se va intampla cu goldul?
What will happen with the gold?

Cine va supravietui?
Who will survive?

Va ramane gaina fara cap si fara picioare? Sau poate tocmai de asta isi ascunde capul, fiindca stia dintotdeauna?
Will the headless chicken loose her legs? Or maybe this is the reason why she hides her head, because she already knew?

Este gaina responsabila pentru evenimentele apocaliptice?
Is the chicken responsible for the apocalyptic events?

Exista e_viata dupa e_moarte?
Is there e_life after e_death?

De ce nu avem un eGod care sa ne salveze conturile muritoare?
Why don't we have an eGod to save our mortal accounts?

De ce nu exista baruri in Erepublik?
Why are there no bars in Erepublik?

Si, cel mai important, este sau nu aceasta viitoarea arma Q8 eco?
And, most important, is this or not the future Q8 Eco Weapon?

P.S. Se spune ca, daca vom supravietui, ar putea fi introduse si Noile grenade Q8 eco.
P.S. They say, if we survive, that the new Q8 Eco Grenade wil be implemented.

Stiu ca am prezentat doar intrebari, dar voi incerca sa vin si cu raspunsuri in 2013… OOOPS! Recunosc, stiu ca nu se va sfarsi lumea in 2012 deoarece am conserve care expira in 2015. Iata dovada:
I know I came only with questions, but I will come also with answers in 2013... OOOPS! I admit, I know the world will not end in 2012 because I got cans that expire in 2015. Here's the proof:

Probabil ca acest articol este un pamflet.
This article is a pamphlet, probably.