History of the Independent Labour Party: Volume I

Day 1,596, 19:43 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Irish William Wallace

***This Volume I of the History of the Independent Labour Party documents Party events from January 7th 2011 - September 2011***

The Irish Workers Party was a short-lived political party. An eIrish citizen named "Shadowking" had been trying to form a socialist party that wasn't "tainted" (in his words) such as, he accused, the dominant left-wing party Sons of Eireann. To mention, Sons of Eireann was a party that all left-wing players collaborated in and cooperated to rebuild eIreland after the traumatic wipe of December 7th 2010. Back then, when a country was wiped they would lose their political parties and it was a very serious thing. There hasn't been an example of eIrish unity that great since Post-Wipe times.

Shadowking failed to spark up a new political party, with membership only at 4 members. MikeBane had urged him to keep up the struggle so Shadowking changed the name to the N.S.I.W.P. (no affiliation to the fascist ideology). This decision was rash, MikeBane took charge. The next election MikeBane became Party President and created the Independent Labour Party.

Historical ILP Articles
The Great Reform - The Precedent
Independent Labour Party - The Beginning (Really informational on why the party was created)
The Victory! - The Birth of the Party

With the victory of MikeBane, the Independent Labour Party quickly became something to watch for in eIrish politics. The symbol of the I.L.P. was the "green star"; Green for Ireland and the star for leftism (particularly socialism). Under the leadership of MikeBane, the party grew from six members to about twenty. Bassy then got elected into office on March 16, 2011. Bassy, a solid and respectable fellow, was a close partner of MikeBane. Together they jump started the party and during Bassy's three month term he managed to organize the party, kick off the forums (with the help of Forum Master Kiburi), managed to get 5 congress members into congress each month, and steadily rose membership up to about 25 at its peak.

During this time, former Party Leader MikeBane was off in eNorway to incite a "leftist revolution". Also during this time a great military mind created Labour's Army, basically the paramilitary wing of the Independent Labour Party. This citizen's name was Lucky_Slevin and under his guidance Labour's Army began. It grew to develop a highly efficient commune system, however it has always remained a small sized army. The creation of Labour's Army struck a new high point in ILP history!

After Bassy's revolutionary reign, Joe Hitman won the Party President elections on May 16th of the same year. With Joe Hitman's friendly character, citizens began to switch from Sons of Eireann to the Independent Labour Party. This began leveling the playing field for the two left-wing parties.

The next elections brought the ILP into glory with Patrick O'Leary being elected Party President as he successfully boosted party membership up to 51 members. This gain in members is also due to ILP's foreign communist allies seeking refuge in eIreland. Patrick O'Leary certainly was an up-n-coming fellow in the political field and managed to run this party effectively through strong internal party cooperation and friendship. Patrick O'Leary's reign lasted from June to the end of July. During this time, the ILP and SoE strongly contend for the role of being eIreland's dominant left-wing party.

The appeal of the Sons of Eireann was its historical (from the Post-Wipe era) importance and contributions to eIreland. Many SoE members began the Irish Army, which was a revolutionary idea at the time when MU's did not exist and prior to that we had the IDF/ICA. After the wipe, eIreland came together politically and militarily thus bringing prosperity to eIreland again. Though with the rise of the ILP, Sons of Eireann had to work harder to keep their place in eIrish politics. The eIrish Left was thriving during this time.

Several prominent founding members, by this time, had left the ILP and instead we started to see new leaders. Winston Hope Smith got elected August 16th, 2011. Winston Hope Smith, better known as WHS, brought strong democratic standards to the ILP and with his brilliant planning led the party into a new era of ILP history.

Memorable Quotes
"My comrades, our day has come! Finally we have created the Independent Labour Party and now the rise of the eIrish left shall hopefully shine in the history of eIreland! Mark this day, the birth of the ILP, as the day when all leftists can unite under one banner!" - MikeBane, Day 1,184 "The Victory!"

"It is time the people of the world recognize eIreland's true greatness! To dispel the ambiguous systems of capitalism! To lead my own path and possibly lead you to the beginning of your own path! I do not see myself being the leader of the Party forever, hell, I do not wish to be the PP for long! I beg my comrades to rise up, lead their own path, and find out the great destiny that awaits them!" - MikeBane, Day 1,186 "The Way"

"I am paving my way, paving my movement, my party, but I implore you all to (after I perish) no longer support me, but support the new and progressing star! And in this star you will see the light which has stricken my flesh and mind, the longing for a sense of greatness!" - MikeBane, Day 1,186 "The Way"

"We can once again give meaning to the Party Political structure of eIreland and in time be to the eWorld what Greece was to the real world and bring politics back in vogue." - Winston Hope Smith, Day 1,494 "A proposal for the development of politics in eIreland"

Notable Mention: Irasian, Connolly James, Dryden, xNosferatux, F. Castro, Ross Ninel, george heisman, Van Nelle, Kurdt Fradenburg, and all other comrades who have been apart of the ILP!
Viktor Kurgan has been said to have been a member of the ILP at one point.