[Rizon] eRepublik bot updates

Day 1,572, 10:11 Published in Albania Albania by alrepublik

Some rants/info on eRepublik API, some new commands announced in this article.
Note: don't try the new stuff right now, API is broken and they WILL NOT work.

Buggy API
first of all, eRepublik API for citizens is currently unavailable as all feeds return a generic "an error occured[sic]" since yesterday. This is NOT our bot's error, it's an error returned by the API!
Of course, there has been no official response from eRepublik monke.. err team on this issue yet.
Trivia: the only eRepublik employee in that group made 22 replies in 9 months. That makes an average of 2.44 replies/month. Isn't this an AWESOME service?! Some bugs will also celebrate their first birthday soon!

This means all commands that require your citizen data to work (.fc, .lp, .link, .donate, .sscalc) will return that error.
However, you can still use .fc and .sscalc(will be explained soon) using parameters.
You can use .help fc to view all the available parameters you can use and their explanation.

Some examples to better understan😛
.fc // will calculate influence for your citizen (will not work if API is not available!)
.fc -s 1235 // influence for your citizen using 1235 as strength instead of your actual one (again, only if API is online)
.fc -s 1235 -r 34 // influence for a citizen with 1235 strength and rank ID 34.
.fc -s 1235 -r 34 -e // influence for a citizen with 1235 strength and rank ID 34 fighting against his country's natural enemy.
.fc -s 1235 -r 34 -o 30000 // calculates how many fights are required to make 30000 influence for a citizen with 1235 strength and rank ID 34.

Buggy API: market feeds
The command .market will return market prices before taxes are charged on the product. The 'real' market price could be VERY different (import + vat).
Yeah, it's quite useless as it is now. No way to fix this though.
Trivia: there are no API feeds on product taxes, how are we supposed to get the real prices from markets?
Trivia #2: the suggestion for taxes feeds was market as "Planned" by the eRepublik team. 9 months ago.

Buggy API: currency feeds
Currency feeds are sometimes VERY outdated. Some currencies feeds have been completely frozen for weeks already.
Again, the actual value could be different...

Buggy API: (weapons?)company stocks
<@martin> .cp 196526
:: Ka-Tet guns [196526] :: Q5 Weapons :: Employees 0 :: Country Italy :: Stock 12430 products :: Raw materials 1754.0 Iron ::
Unfortunately, I don't have 12430 weapons in stock. Oh yes, another bug.

New comman😛 .fc -o / .fc -e
Two new parameters have been added to .fc.
-o (objective) calculates how many fights are required to make a given amount of influence
-e (naturalenemy) adds 10% natural enemy bonus to influence
.fc -o 48000 // will calculate how many fights are required for me to make 48000 influence.
.fc -e // will calculate my influence against my country's natural enemy
of course, they can be mixed with other parameters, like:
.fc -o 10000 -e // fights required to make 10000 influence against NE
.fc -e -f 30 // total influence after 30 fights against NE

New comman😛 .sscalc (or .ssc)
Actually this is an old command ported to this new version of eRep, some of you might remember it from V1.
It calculates how much gold and how many days are required to get your next super soldier medal.
Use .help sscalc to view all available parameters.
.ssc -f 2 // days/gold required for my next ss medal training every day with 2 friends as booster
.ssc -s 3100 // ... for a citizen with 3100 strength, using no friends as booster
.ssc -e -f 1 // ... adds the 10% NE bonus to training, with 2 friends.

New comman😛 .avatar
Quite useless, gets a link to a citizen's avatar.
You can get the small version, medium, or large (using -s / -m / -l), see .help avatar.

eRepublik bot stats
Reporting perio😛 2011-02-21 1😇6:28 - 2011-04-14 17:30:50

519494 commands
An average of 9990 commands/day
Or 416 commands/hour

Peak usage, from 16 to 22 CEST with an average of a command every 6.3 seconds!

1531 requests
430 removals

The bot is in over 4500 channels (don't make me count the exact amount)