Day 1,569, 07:44 Published in Serbia Serbia by banovano magare

A chosen team of "Paparazzi Donkeys" press office has spied on EDEN HQ. We've found out some stunning news and received shocking reactions from several nations involved in the summit.
Specijalan tim redakcije Paparaco Magarci je špijunirao glavni štab EDEN saveza. Pritom smo saznali zapanjujuću vest i dobili šokantne reakcije pojedinih nacija koje su učestvovale na tom samitu.

TURKEY ENTERS EDEN! Despite a very powerful veto of Bulgarian representatives.
ĆURKA JE UŠLA U EDEN! Uprkos veoma moćnom vetu Bugarskih predstavnika.

The EDEN association said in a statement that Bulgaria have became old and her services were no longer needed!
Naime, EDEN savez je naveo u saopštenju da je Bugarska omatorela te joj njene usluge više nisu potrebne.

During numerous interviews, we've caught following photos:
Prilikom brojnih izjava, uhvatili smo sledeće snimke i fotografije:

1. Turkey fawns over supreme commander of Terra alliance, hoping for his influence on EDEN decision!
1. Turska se ulizuje glavnokomandujućem čoveku Terra saveza kako bi uticao na odluku EDEN-a!

2. Turkey in front of the door of the room where her future destiny is being decided!
2. Turska ispred vrata sobe u kojoj joj se odlučuje dalja sudbina!

3. Speech of the Turkish president after joining the alliance!
3. Govor turskog predsednika nakon nasilnog ulaska u savez!

4. Bulgarian CP's reaction after alliance's decision to run over huge obedience of faithful ally!
4. Reakcija bugarskog predsednika nakon odluke saveza da pobije silnu poslušnost vernog saveznika!

5. The reaction of our journalists when he found out this news!
5. Reakcija našeg novinara kada je saznao zapanjujuću vest!

Following pictures show the pouring-out love between Turkish, Greek and Albanian people after they heard that they are in the same alliance now:
Sledeće slike prikazuju ljubav između turskog, grčkog i albanskog naroda nakon što su saznali da su u istom savezu.

Celebrations on Ankara and Istanbul streets
Slavlje na ulicama Ankare i Istanbula.

Meanwhile, in Sofia...
U isto vreme, dešavanja u Sofiji.

For shout
Za šaut:

Turkey enters EDEN! http://tinyurl.com/8472jh9
TURSKA UŠLA U EDEN! http://tinyurl.com/8472jh9

Sorry for my bad English, it's my 3rd language. 🙂
EDIT: Translation adapted by Mare Magare (my donkey cousin)
P.S. The article is for entertainment and it doesn't intend to offend anyone!

Until next time
Your Donkey's paparazzi press office.

Do sledećeg čitanja
Vaša redakcija PAPARACO MAGARCA!