/v/irginization of Ios

Day 1,561, 07:03 Published in Serbia Brazil by Dio Jazar

In Dioism, Virginization (Or /v/irginization) is the sacramental act of testing one's soul for strengths and weaknesses so they may become a follower of God Emperor Dio Brando. The ceremony is said to test the mind for faith, the soul for purity, and the body for strength.. Virginization is the equivalent to a baptism in the Western hemisphere.
A citizen who completes the rite earns the title of "/v/irgin".

Days ago i was contacted by a finnish, a man born in the snow, he wanted to be /v/irginized... it should be a hard task, because he is a son of the snow and most of high priest are dead or playing dead or were infected, BUT this young man show a great taste for the art of "killing the swed" and signs of a warm heart inside that ice shelter.

So I went after my master, sensei Reshev who gave me his powers and autorizathion to procceed wit hthe act, not with the ancient act of the 3 rites, but three new ones.

The New Rite of Rayt

The ritual begins with a reading of The First Circle. This is said to prepare the untested citizen's mind for the test of their faith.

So our finn had to listen and watch to our great commander donarudo dancing on youtube, to test the power of his mind. He passed

test 1
test 2

The New Rite of Baraf

As soon as the... passes the first test (And only if they pass), the Dioist conducting the ceremony recites The Second Circle to prepare their soul for a test of their ancestry.

Our finn had to find some Swed to sacrifice i nthe name of Dio

* &ios sacrifice nevvven

and it was DONE

The New Rite of Jawaani

Our Finn Hero still had to play BAD DUDES, BUT he also had to face his enemy, Prle The Swed, on a Worms Armageddon match (hosted thx to #armageddon ) and win it!


After that he also made his Oath

In brightest day, in blackest night,
No evil shall escape my sight
Let those who worship evil's might,
Beware my power... Dio Brando´s light!

This way, Ios, the finn is now a proud /v/irginized dioist follower of Sensei Jazar and is ready to kill sweds. He is a proof that the finish people might have the look of Sweds and maybe have bodies made of snow, but they have sand in their hearts and are a sunshine in the dark region of scandinavia.

He also did the extra task of getting me in a Sauna with two girls from finland