#EBR - somewhere over the rainbow

Day 1,452, 18:50 Published in Serbia Brazil by Dio Jazar

Song for Foreign Readers || Song for Brazilians

Caros brasileiros, Sabino fez a Versão BR


Long time ago, Master Reshev left the game and gave me the ownership of Brazilian IRC channel.

#EBR on Rizon.net

Brazil is an old country of the eWorld, and exist since BETA times, and is well known outside the game for having cordial and friendly people. During BETA times, MSN and outside forums were our most used communication channels, but on 28/01/2009 TexMurphy founded the #ebr channel, passing it to Reshev, who gave it to me few months ago.

Meeting new people is always nice, from any country this is why the Adminsitration team of #EBR decided to make this advertisement article (actually two will be mad, one for foreigns and other for Brazilians), we wish to meet YOU, it doesnt matter wich country you come from as long as you respect the following RULES:

I) No offenses to other users
II) No insults
III) Do not spam or make advertisements without requesting it to some operator.
IV) Do not flood the channel or users of the channel on their query
V) Ostin or his "family" isn´t allowed


The following BOTs can be found in the channel:

Donarudo and Limitserv - bots to help keeping channel peace
Internets - can do google, youtube searchs... check weather and etc..
Quotes - a nice way to save funny quotes
Trivia - a bot with some nice trivia
LfcR - when online in the channel you can start a UNO match
eRepublik - bot for eRepublik stuff

So this is it, a short invitation, but we the #EBR staff hope to see some of you guys there, croatians, serbians, turkish, greeks, spaniards, americans and etc....
