[MOE] Sell your soul - health bar and bazooka part offer

Day 1,428, 05:11 Published in Austria Austria by OEBernd

Special offer Zeit mal wieder:
für 0.9 Gold werden Bazookateile vergeben.

Laut meinen Berechnungen sollte man folgendes tun:
Rank unter Sergeant: PM an den MOE
Unter 1829 Strengh rentiert sich der Kauf eines Teiles.
Unter 714 Strengh rentiert es sich 2 Teile zu kaufen.

Wobei ich allerdings mein hart verdientes Gold eher in den Wirtschaftaufbau oder strengh investieren würde.

Health bars billiger?

Hier lohnt es sich, wenn man ein Goldferd ist oder wirklich in nächster Zeit viel fighten will.


MOE of eAustria

Here is a collection of links that can help you.

Special offer time:
For 0,9 Gold you can buy a part of a bazooka.

My calculations have told me to do the following:
Rank < Sergeant -> PM to MOE
If you have less than 1829 Strengh one part is cheaper than buying the bread+tanks.
If you have less than 714 Strengh two parts are cheaper than buying the bread+tanks.

But in this case I would invest into economy or strengh.

Cheaper health bars:

Buy food and if you need additional health buy health bars.
Just for rich people with too much money.


MOE of eAustria

Here is a collection of links that can help you.