Cabinet for This Term

Day 1,355, 14:38 Published in Philippines Philippines by sansae2
The House of Speaker shall be the VP for the term.

Department of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) mirek12345
This team is our representative to the eWorld. They work on building relationships with other ecountries.

Office of American Affairs -- Elari
Office of European Affairs -- Sigurd Aasen

Department of Finance -- Congress
The Congress shall oversee the distribution of the countries monies.

Department of Home Affairs (DoHA) -- Revilo X
DoHA’s main functions are managing government income-generating companies and regulating market prices. It used to provide start up jobs for newbies as well which is currently discontinued because of the major changes made in the economic module.

Department of Defense (AFP) -- kdblitz/Nowaker
Armed Forces of the Philippines is made up of esteemed men and women in uniform, always ready to defend and protect our beloved eCountry.

Military Advisor to the President -- Elari/Jelly9473

Department of Education -- Revilo X (since he was doing the job voluntarily)

Bureau of Immigration (NICA) -- EZEX Lacroa/Congress
This team is charge of handling and screening all citizenship applications.

Minister of shouting and regulating the yelling of "SABAH!" and variants": Eugene Bautista

Minister of Lolis. --Hkun

All military unit in the ePhilippines, especially those that are private armies, shall swear allegiance to the people of the Republic of ePhilippines. To fight and defend the country at all times.

The Congress shall take on more responsibility. The times of just getting elected and voting YES or NO is over.

Citizens and government entities mentioned shall become the new foundation of the nation if and only if they accept the cabinet position offered.

Citizens of this country shall take aside their differences to preserve this nation.

I am in talks of possible alliances to various nations. We might be neutral, but we've been leaning so much on a particular alliance. The time to really take our neutral stance is now.

Thank you for your trust ePhilippines!

sansae2, President
Republic of ePhilippines