What do you think about Inci ?

Day 1,346, 20:09 Published in Cyprus Turkey by Kutluk Bilge Kul Bekir
cCc in ci we trust cCc
Hello panpas o/ I know it is a long article. Sorry for that.

I asked powerful ppl in erep a question. Some of them answered my question, some of them didn't give a damn.
I want to thank them. I'm sharing now, what the ones who answered wrote.

It is my question "In your opinion, What is inci, What do you think about them ?"

Tek türkçe bölüm:
Panpalarım oyundaki güçlü adamlara bi soru sordum bazısı cevapladı bazısı cevaplamadı. İngilizcesi olanlar okur belki. Uzun oldu ama güzel oldu lan. Okuyun derim yani.
Soru da buydu "inci hakkında ne düşünüyorsun? inci sence nedir ?"
Edit: editi buraya koyam da görün scymex, denizerus gibi aklınıza gelebilecek bikaç adama daha atmıştım mesaj ama onlar cevaplamadılar.
cCc Rejep Dectash cCc

For me Inci is the a community of fun and respectful members with different personalities in each and every one of them.
you can find them in chat/discuss on shocking interesting offensive topics under extremely loose policy.
trolling is their way of life.
inci siker !

Glove is Love

INCI is an international group, a group well known around the world for good trolling and revolutionary ideas. Personally, I like INCI, I like their approach to the game, the way they deal with nations, and how they stick to their beliefs and don't let greed interfere with their goals. How do they affect the game? Just look at what happened to FYROM because of INCI zaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Blank Keating

I'm appreciative of the contributions iNCi has given America. Even though we had some rocky times in the past and the current migration to Cyprus, iNCi cooperated with our political system and our community fully, and has contributed many great citizens that would otherwise never have been born in the eUSA. They proved a lot of naysayers wrong and I'm glad we all the experience of being fellow countrymen, and now allies.


inci make this game funny as long they are inci and not a nation...i mean that...and mostly they are the best trolls of this game


I have been thinking about your question for a while.
And i realized that i dont know exactly what is INCI.
But in my concern INCI is a group of players that is more than a militia.
It is like a transnational nation made by turkish player that is gathering more and more fighters from all over the world.
I kind like INCI despite the fact that i am not officially an INCI member. I am just using the avatar because someone asked me to use it while fighting for Cyprus.
Inci is enemy of fyrom and so we are.
Hope have answered your questions.
Send me the article link later.


First of all i don't approve what INCI made in USA. USA accept them in their homeland, but INCI tried into Americans internal politics. I think it is unacceptable and the best thing is that the both sides find solution of the problem and the tension is much less right now.

Second, the INCI group is formed by turkish citizens. Ingame, we are big enemy of Turkey. But i really try to make difference between Turkey and Cyprus (INCI) cause the current situation is such that Cyprus could be our good friend. It's hard to me to explain why many INCIs are still fighting against us, but i can understand that Turkey is your motherhood and it's normal to fight for her. If INCI have common enemies with Bulgaria and the friends of Bulgaria, we can have good cooperation. Here it is time to ask one question - what are the Greek-INCI relations, since you have common enemy. Could we see MPP between these countries?

As, general, i see Cyprus (Inci) as future partner of Bulgaria, but two things should be clear - what are your relations with Greece and will you continue to fight for Turkey against us.

Best regards.


Inci is a pearl of great price, a jewel of incredible worth, a gem of incredible value. Men will dive a hundred feet in the ocean, will climb thousands of metres on a mountain, will search countless hours in the rocks to find such a prize. And yet here is iNCi, in plain view for all to see. iNCi is legendary, iNCi is feared, iNCi is respected. cCc KutlukBilgeKulKagan cCc göt lalesi... ZAAAA!


my opinion is : all members of inci are FAGGOTS : d good lck against macedonia

Joe Franco

INCI: Without doubt, the most organised group inside erep. Large group with a very intelligent top / leadership!


i don´t know them as a group, but i have really good relations with some of the members, really good guys.
i think they are bored (like everyone here) and at least try something new.
our group (BIA) wont take part in the inci-mkd war but our members are free to join the side they like.


I don't know enough about INCI to answer. I like Depici, because of his views about what is important in the game.

Aminta Makedonecot

inci - ungrateful trolls, spoiled kids, backstabbers. and I dont consider them to be Turkish at all... more like pro-Greek than Turk since they fight even against Turkey.
They helped EDEN in the worst time for ONE, Macedonia and Turkey as a allies.
In stead of Macedonia helping ONE and Turkey we are fighting the wars inci started... double lose for ONE and Turkey.


If you asked me a couple of months ago, INCI=Turkey, we had the relation getting closer they still being in the other alliance, they had a tentative of TO in USA, not sure how the americans received.

Right now I think INCI is much more into resistance, than to the old ties in Phoenix, EDEN.

It is true that I'm not aware of all the underground stuff, I just see soldiers fighting in the battles, wearing their avatars.

After the today fight for Cyprus, INCI, EDEN and Terra was fighting shoulder to shoulder like one group against ONE.


Well Inci is not as bad as I thought to be. When I was in eGreece, I heard the worst... They PTOed USA and now Cyprus... They're turkish and enemies. Here in Cyprus they called me panpa from the first moment which means brother. Some of them call me names from time to time, but in general they're ok guys. They like Greeks and I like them. I wish they trusted us more here in Cyprus but noone is perfect 😃


Initially, I had an opinion that INCI are botofarmers from eTurkey.
I've changed this thinking when I saw some articles with lot oftheir members' comments.
After recent conflict between eCypros and FYROM I respect and like them. They are having balls and honor. If I would have back the gold I've spent before I would certainly tank for them. 😃

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