Day 1,330, 06:12 Published in India India by Azad Hind Fauj

In an ever changing eWorld flexibility is the key to prosperity and with that it is with great excitment that I bring to you today some changes to the Azad Hind Fauj (AHF) that will both please some and no doubt upset others.


Starting today, July 12th 2011 (Day 1,330) the AHF will now officially hold a Politcial voice within the Indian political system, our party name is the 'Azad Hind Fauj' and our policy will be simply to run an open and transparent Government aimed at developing the youth and entertaining the elders whilst trying to ensure that eIndia reaches its full potential on the World stage.

King Hannibal of ASIA is current leader of the Political Party and he will shortly be releasing articles on both his campaign to be re-elected in the upcoming Party Elections as well as also trying to ensure that the Azad Hind Fauj party members gain the maximum seats in the Congress elections on the 25th of the month, if you are wanting to be in the AHF and would like to run for congress please send an in game message to King Hannibal of ASIA for further details.


Accepting when you are wrong is the only way to make progress in this game and the AHF is the first to admit that the AHF Military Unit (MU) has not been well managed in recent times and for that we can only apologise, however we aim to put this right and starting today a new structure to the Military Unit will be introduced.

1 - Membership to the Azad Hind Fauj Military Unit is open to everyone, just apply and change your profile picture its that simple.

AHF Logo can be located here

2 - Faujis are no longer tied to our work communes, with the new changes made by the admins we encourage all soldiers to now seek high paid employment in the Indian private sector, this will give our economy a significent boost in production and taxes and will also ensure that you always have the ability to buy your own products on a daily basis.

3 - Now that you no longer have to work for the AHF you may be wondering what is the benefit of being a member, the answer is simple, come to the Indian Live Chat Room and join the #ahf.public private chat and if we are in need of extra damage we will provide Q5 Weapons and/or food to everyone online regardless of strength or rank.

The theory is simple, instead of supplying foreign soldiers to tank we need to invest in the long term development of our nation and by supplying weapons we will eventually see the results on the battlefield.

Let the fun begin! o>

Jai Hind!