Deja Entendu

Day 1,274, 19:57 Published in USA USA by Emerick
There are times when a man must come forward and speak. The peak of the teet emaciating his leek. Cheekiness aside, and with all intent to bride, I never took it to heart, the matters impending in the stride. I laid and lied, and side by side, we spoke of coming years - the months were crunched, we kept untouched, until the time drew near. "No longer, sweetheart", I touched your breast, "no longer will I long. Now please, lie down and let me teach your peaks to rise and fall." I swept you down, I lept in song, you tangled up your toes and tongue; and when we threw, the rest was through, I plunged myself inside of you. My meekness unveiled, I swelled and fell, you nary hithered forward. And yet you came, and time again, I showed you how I burst forward.

Today is another day, America. Throughout this month, we've been watching our own wars wax and wane - mostly with Spain, but also with Mexico, though intended, to bring about a peace agreement. With Mexico, we have an agreement - 100 gold in exchange for the regions to give us saltpeter and rubber. With Spain, those pigs want three of our regions. To the victor the spoils, I guess, right?

Now, a lot of people wonder why we'd want to make peace with Mexico. "Wipe them," they say, "and the problem will be solved."

Yes, that will solve the problem, if you're thinking that the problem is that we don't have daily resistance wars. If that's the problem you're perceiving, then you're absolutely right. Or maybe you're just arrogant and actually believe that we can easily sustain two wars at the same time and also help our allies when they need it. I don't honestly know what's going through your mind, and I don't want to know.

All I know is that we've been at war with Mexico before, and well, deja entendu. Let's make some new allies this time, what do you say?

Germany was wiped again today. Once again, we pledge to fight for their independence, as brothers in arms. Poland will see our avatars in their fields for as long as it takes to free our sausage-loving friends.

On that topic, we should lend all our support to our Chinese friends, who are waging holy war on Sweden in Germany's name. Let's help them be as successful as possible ever.

The economy was interesting to watch this week, wasn't it? And by "interesting," I mean depressing. For the first two days after the new econ mod was released, it looked like the peg would almost reach 0.01, but then it went right back down and it's like why do we even try.

Should we even try? There's certainly an argument to be made that hitting the bottom doesn't even matter. Granted, gold will be like hitting the jackpot with 72 virgins, but you could buy so much stuff every month with that HWM and SSM, right? Alternatively, we could print all the currency we want, and just buy all these supplies for our people.

But then there's the old argument about importing/exporting and international economies that people whine about.

But anyways, we have all ten resources, so that's something, right?

President Emerick
May 17, 2011
Day 42
Signing out