Party elections - May 2011

Day 1,273, 15:23 Published in Singapore Romania by Bogdan Armand Sibrand

It's time to see if Singapore's Party President seats suffered any changes this month:

Singapore Republican Party Sean.L (4 votes, 100😵

Birthday Party Mista II (6 votes, 66😵

The New Green Party - timur1988 is still president as no elections took place

Tewionist Party of Singapore Bogdan Armand Sibrand (3 votes, 100😵

White Front Singapore - logan Dunleavy is still president as no elections took place

Singapore Wyndia - arca7 is still president as no elections took place

This is a current chart of the parties based on how many times their supported CP candidate won the elections:

1. Singapore Republican Party - 18 times - last time: Mista II (May 2011)
2. Birthday Party - 14 times - last time: Mista II (May 2011)
2. Tewionist Party of Singapore - 14 times - last time: Mista II (May 2011)
4. The New Green Party - 12 times - last time: TheDark ace (November 2010)
5. White Front Singapore - 10 times - last time: Mista II (May 2011)
6. Singapore Wyndia - 1 time - last time: Mista II (May 2011)
These are the party presidents with the most terms in each political party in Singapore:

Singapore Republican Party
1. Woshiempire - 11 times PP - 13 runs - 232 votes - 100% highest percentage
2. Thedark ace - 8 times PP - 8 runs - 79 votes - 100% highest percentage
3. Anthos Tagannis - 2 times PP - 4 runs - 64 votes - 100% highest percentage
6. Sean.L - 1 time PP - 1 run - 4 votes - 100% highest percentage

Birthday Party
1. lightofsirius - 6 times PP - 6 runs - 53 votes - 100% highest percentage
2. Mista II - 5 times PP - 6 runs - 26 votes - 100% highest percentage
3. Bucth - 4 times PP - 5 runs - 40 votes - 100% highest percentage

The New Green Party
1. Boethiah - 6 times PP - 6 runs - 79 votes - 100% highest percentage
2. iLord Solomon - 4 times PP - 4 runs - 56 votes - 100% highest percentage
3. koosunami888 - 4 times PP - 4 runs - 14 votes - 100% highest percentage

Tewionist Party of Singapore
1. Boethiah - 4 times PP - 4 runs - 31 votes - 100% highest percentage
2. Bogdan Armand Sibrand - 4 times PP - 4 runs - 12 votes - 100% highest percentage
3. John Jay - 3 times PP - 3 runs - 29 votes - 100% highest percentage

White Front Singapore
1. Shotaro - 3 times PP - 5 runs - 15 votes - 57% highest percentage
2. logan Dunleavy - 3 times PP - 3 runs - 9 votes - 100% highest percentage
3. Erius - 1 time PP - 2 runs - 12 votes - 100% highest percentage

Singapore Wyndia
1. Sonias - 1 time PP - 2 runs - 2 votes - 40% highest percentage
2. logamac - 1 time PP - 1 run - 1 vote - 100% highest percentage
3. Devill - 1 time PP - 1 run - 3 votes - 60% highest percentage

Who are the new leaders of the biggest parties in the worl😛

Obedineta eMakedonija -> United Macedonia - 235 votes - 78%
Narodowa Demokracja -> Appylan - 186 votes - 84%
cCc iNCi cCc -> Saldirkac - 183 votes - 88%
Polska Partia Patriotyczna -> Mixliarder - 259 votes - 94%
Partia Wolnych Ludzi -> Dr. Infected - 70 votes - 85%

My today's interview guest is one of our party presidents and also a prominent figure here in Singapore,
logan Dunleavy.

As a party president you have changed your party's name multiple times in past. What can you tell us about the White Front Singapore party?
Well I believe there is no such thing as party politics in eRepublik so a party name doesn't really mean much. But White Front Singapore stands for progress, liberty and prosperity for the people and for our Republic.

What approach does WFS have regarding Singapore's politics. Will it be different that the previous month?
Our approach does not exist, we are not trying to become a major party, just to stay in the top five and give people a chance to join a party they like. Again, there are no party politics in Singapore and we all work together.

What advices can you give to new players?
My best advice to new players would be to hang out on the IRC chats, make friends with older players and you'll go far in this game.
-Zammuel bless the Republic,
logan Dunleavy.

Bogdan Armand Sibrand


Beware! The V+S truck cometh