[Election results] A summary of the Congress election 25/4

Day 1,254, 07:36 Published in Sweden Sweden by Valnad
This article will give a summary of the Congress election, which ended yesterday morning with the results being finalized in the afternoon.

Let me first start by congratulating our new congressmen and especially the 13 candidates who had never before entered any Congress! Almost a third of our Congress is made out of politicians who lack prior experience and it's therefore very important that the seasoned veternans and our Speaker/Talman provides clear and sound information on how to follow procedure and fullfill your duties towards your voters as well as your country.

Who won and who lost?

Flashback Sweden (FBS), Folkhemsdemokraterna (FHD) and Partiet are all tied as no. 1 with a total number of 13 seats each.

Norsefire made a disasterous election and lost all of their 4 seats from the previous election, while Gamlingarna clinged on to the one and only seat they had. MSAP came short of the top 5 once again and could therefor not participate with any candidates.

Due to how close the election was, I've added several statistics that may be of interest for the curious.

The election in numbers:

Total number of votes in the election: 576
Total presence of the voting population: 30.31%
Total number of candidates running: 76
Percentage of running candidates electe😛 52.6%
Number of new candidates from last month: 22 (55😵
Number of "first time" candidates electe😛 13 (32.5😵

Flashback Sweden (13 seats / 32.5😵
Mikez, Klurk Mark, Guran81, Kevakeva, Restriction, Inzaneclown, WtfLeninlol, Crazyfrog11, Caelo, Knodden, Anton100000, LalleFK & Serrok

FBS makes a strong comeback this month, from having faced one of the worst election results ever last month. The largest party in Sweden went from 8 to 13 seats, making them equal in size to the previous winners Partiet and runner-up FHD.

Once again scoring more voters than the competition, but with much fewer candidates, FBS clearly benefited from a more focused voting spree. Recent months have made FBS a party for new, aspiring candidates and that tradition is also maintained; 9 of their 13 congressmen had no seat last month and 6 of them enter the Congress for the first time ever. Both these figures are higher than for the other parties, although FBS as a consequence of this also have fewer re-elected candidates than both FHD and Partiet.

FBS as a party has transcended from an era where it was the largest party in the world and firmly controlled by a elitist hierarchy to become more focused on new and/or unknown players. Even though they maintain their place as the largest party in Sweden, mainly due to their name which attracts newcomers from the Flashback forum, they struggle with a generation change. FBS still holds a special place in the hearts of many oldtimers, but it's a very different party now compared to just a year ago. One thing's for certain; it'll be interesting to see how this new generation of FBS politicians will shape their party...

Statistics for FBS:

Result based on last month's election: +5 (+62.5😵
Total number of votes on FBS candidates: 189
Percentage of total amount of votes: 32.8%
Total number of FBS candidates: 20 (26.3😵
Percentage of FBS candidates electe😛 13/20 (65😵
Number of new FBS candidates from last month: 9 (69.2😵
Number of "first time" FBS candidates electe😛 6 (46.1😵
Number of re-elected FBS candidates: 5/8 (62.5😵

Folkhemsdemokraterna (13 seats / 32.5😵
Johannes Svaerd, KonkelBaer, armbeno, Polikia, Enclop, adrazar , farbrorbla, Haschmonstret, Elsamba, Osis O'flax, Samev, Matte47 & intyala.

It would be unfair to dub any party as "winners" in this election, but FHD clearly made a great effort. They maintained their size and even managed to get an extra seat as bonus. Having established a fine tradition of "morning voters" with active co-ordination of votes, FHD has made itself known for getting many candidates elected despite being only third in size of the Swedish parties (EDIT: recently they got a "boom" and is now 2nd in size)

With a total of 159 votes cast on merely 16 candidates, it's no surprise that they managed to get most of their candidates elected. Once again, we see that a lack of "spree" in the votes is clearly beneficial. Many candidates also changed avatars to indicate that they no longer needed any more votes, which may have helped co-ordinating "random" voters a bit.

FHD tries to label itself as the most "newbie friendly" party in Sweden. Although I daresay that all of the top 3 parties takes good care of their newborns, FHD have definitely been pushing harder to recruit from the new generation. Managing to follow up on the last few months of good elections has definitely given more air under their wings and today's version of FHD feels nothing like the initial plush-socialistic movement it started out as... or perhaps that's precisely what it has become? Having one of the most active member bases has also created a wide spread of personalities, ranging from president candidates and ministers all the way down to "fresh" newcomers.

To summarize the result for FHD this month, one could say that they're won it as much as they made sure not to lose it. We've been accustomed to a more offensive FHD strategy with many more candidates running, but having fewer may very well have proven to be the right strategy this month. Afterall, having more votes and fewer candidates surely helped them get that extra candidate and move from 12 to 13 seats.

Statistics for FH😨

Result based on last month's election: +1 (+8.3😵
Total number of votes on FHD candidates: 159
Percentage of total amount of votes: 27.6%
Total number of FHD candidates: 16 (18.2😵
Percentage of FHD candidates electe😛 13/16 (81.3😵
Number of new FHD candidates from last month: 7 (53.8😵
Number of "first time" FHD candidates electe😛 3 (23.1😵
Number of re-elected FHD candidates: 6/12 (50😵

Partiet (13 seats / 32.5😵
Lidskjalf, Alatom, REXgbg, Papaya, Greve Nigge, lord galin, Grubb, Lobbanet II, Quicktech, dragolin, Dante N, w3st3rb3rg & Kapten Knoge

Once again, Partiet made a good election by scoring as many seats as the competitors from FBS and FHD. But considering the recent ½ year of victories by this election phenomenon, I'm probably not the only one who expected to see them winning by a few seats. There are of course a number of reasons behind this result; Partiet had fewer voters than both FBS and FHD, while running with more candidates... and there's also the catch of being the party that everyone else wants to beat. In all honesty, being able to defend 16 seats is also a dream scenario that any party would have difficulties living up to.

An in-depth analysis will show you that only two candidates were actually "lost" in this election as Dalze (9) missed out on a seat with merely 1 vote, while Puppeteer burned away 7 votes in vain and came short of 3 for a wildcard. Other than these gentlemen, there were only a handful (12) votes scattered here and there and although these could probably have been used more wisely, it still seem as if the maximum potential for Partiet this month was 15 seats. In light of these statistics, a final result of 13 should be seen as an acceptable result.

Although Partiet have many fewer members than FBS and lack organized "recruitment-friendly" tactics (such as food and money programs) they've still managed to hold a firm grip of the Congress by actively co-ordinating voters and having a solid base of congressmen who keep candidating every month. There's no surprise that they have the largest number of re-elected candidates of all parties and that merely 3 out of 13 elected candidates lack prior experience from the congress.

To sum things up, I can't help but wonder how this election could have turned out if Partiet had focused on having fewer candidates, just like the other parties. Although having many potential congressmen is actually a good thing, it may also create a "voting spree" which results in a lot of votes going to waste since the likelyhood of getting every candidate elected is very slim. But I guess the pendant swing both ways; with as few as 5 or so more voters, the increased number of candidates may have resulted in an astonishing victory and we'd be praising this election strategy instead. One thing's for sure - it'll be interesting to see what happens next month!

Statistics for Partiet:

Result based on last month's election: -3 (-18.6😵
Total number of votes on Partiet candidates: 151
Percentage of total amount of votes: 26.2%
Total number of Partiet candidates: 23 (30.3😵
Percentage of Partiet candidates electe😛 13/23 (56.5😵
Number of new Partiet candidates from last month: 5 (38.5😵
Number of "first time" Partiet candidates electe😛 3
Number of re-elected Partiet candidates: 8/16 (50😵

Gamlingarna (1 seat / 2.5😵
Kvast... and that's it.

To be honest, I'd much rather write something about Norsefire than Gamlingarna. But since the aforementioned party actually managed to keep the only seat they had from the previous election, I feel the need to write a few lines nonetheless.

Gamlingarna is a party for "oldtimers" originally founded by Kape to serve as a form of care-free institution for "the elderly". It actually surprises me much more to see that a whooping 7(!) members candidated, than that they only managed to get one of them elected. The thing that stands out the most is that Kvast, the one who got the seat, actually got as many votes as all of the other candidates from Gamlingarna combined (21 of 42).

Statistics for Gamlingarna:
Result based on last month's election: +0 (+0😵
Total number of votes on Gamlingarna candidates: 42
Percentage of total amount of votes: 7.3%
Total number of Gamlingarna candidates: 7
Percentage of Gamlingarna candidates electe😛 1/7 (14.3😵
Number of new Gamlingarna candidates from last month: 1 (100😵
Number of "first time" Gamlingarna candidates electe😛 1 (100😵
Number of re-elected Gamlingarna candidates: 0 (0😵

Norsefire (0 seats / 0😵
No elected candidate this month...

This is undoubtly the big loser of yesterday's election. Norsefire, mainly consisting of members from our Danish minitory as well as players from other countries, went from a rather good result (4 seats) last month to complete abolishment from the congress. Although being a much smaller party, it's nothing short of a complete failure when 35 votes doesn't render in even a single seat.

I can't help but feel sorry for Norsefire, although I still think that they would've done much better if hey had someone to co-ordinate their elections, making sure that their top candidates would run in regions with less competition. Being patriotic about which regions you candidate from is rarely a good feat to have if you actually want to land a seat in the Congress and be able to take part in the law-making and administration of your country.

In hindsight, Gamlingarna made a calculated choice and voted for their candidate in Svealand. If Norsefire had done the same they could've had 1 or maybe even as many as 3 seats this month since FBS layed their hands on the last three wild cards with 14 and 10 x 2 votes respectively.

Statistics for Norsefire:
Result based on last month's election: -4 (-100😵
Total number of votes on Norsefire candidates: 35
Percentage of total amount of votes: 6.1%
Total number of Norsefire candidates: 10 (7.6😵
Percentage of Norsefire candidates electe😛 0/10 (0😵

That's all for today, folks. Give it a vote and sub if you're a statistics nerd... if not, well... too bad (:


President of Sweden