United Kingdom has been proposed as Natural Enemy.

Day 1,251, 20:20 Published in USA USA by Emerick

Yesterday, I pressed the button on the UK. I also asked Congress to vote it down. They did, for the most part. I didn't do this because I wanted to invade the UK, because that would be unforgivably stupid - I did it to send them a message. The message was not "We will fuck you up", nor was it "OH GOD HOW DARE YOU." The message I wanted to send was that "LOL I TROLL YOU" is not a sufficient diplomatic stance. And in my opinion, that's the UK's stance towards Ireland.

Also, stop derping around in Terra.

Now let me explain my logic: this whole mess started by LOL I TROLL U Brits who started a PTO project in Ireland. Now, with the UK joining Terra, and Terra and Eden's reliance on each other, this was an incredibly stupid idea. Then the UK invaded Belgium, while France and Germany were being super invaded. The strategic purposes of this was lost on me, and I think everyone, so I don't think anyone sent any assistance to fight Belgium, who has a stance of neutrality, and thought they used ONE's MPP's to take the war to Britain's homeland, equilibrium was reached, and they have peace now. The UK should count themselves lucky that they have such level-headed neighbors to the south. We are not so lucky.

During that short war, Irish tanks fought hard against the UK to show their displeasure with the UK's PTO actions. We've discussed this whole situation with UK leadership in Terra several times, with us and Canada stating perfectly clearly that Ireland is an ally of ours and an Eden member, so PTO actions against them is a threat to Eden and Terra's unity. We asked the UK leadership to attempt to bring this whole crisis to an end. They simply told us that they have no control over the project, and made it clear that they wouldn't even attempt to.

It almost appears that, to the UK, Terra's many wars were inconvenient to them, and they manufactured a crisis with Ireland because of herp derp and to get away from the inconvenient troubles that their soon to be former allies are still having. Because I'm fairly certain that the UK will be leaving Terra within 24 hours. If they don't, then I'll have a modicum of respect for them for not abandoning allies that they claim.

But my left brain wants me to simply believe that the UK is a country embroiled in bitter political turmoil over their country's foreign allegiance. To be honest, UK seems to be in political chaos over the issue, and were probably not ready to join Terra. In fairness, Terra also voted them in too hastily, in my opinion. Terran officials at that time, I believe, failed to take into account the division in the UK, and now we're paying for it.

So that's that. The UK has a motion in Parliament to leave Terra, and it's looking like it will pass. I held back my better judgement to open a vote in Terra to do some house-cleaning, hoping that nations less pissed at the UK right now would be able to help us through this, because I know that we're not in a position to so that, with our friendship with Ireland. Apparently diplomacy failed with them.

And that's all there is to say about that.

We have other, very strong ties in Terra, and we're thankful for them. Brozil has regained their country and closed the Polish war - that took under a week, so kudos to Brozil. I'm proud to have been a part of helping them regain their stability, and I look forward to their help regaining our own.

On the warfront, France and Portugal both regained their capital regions from Spain yesterday, so big shoutout to them for their victories.

We also regained our Croatian MPP today, after having it missing for about two weeks. I can't wait to see Croatian avatars moving across our battlefield, and to fight for Croatia again.

Two other old allies of ours - Rumania and Australia have been wiped from the map. Rumania is a tough case, because they're Hungary's only conquered regions, so a RW campaign in Hungary would probably be more difficult than the ones we've had in the past, but a RW campaign in Indonesia would be both easy and fun. Regardless, our displaced allies are welcome in the US if they choose to relocate during their hopefully brief period without a country.

China has taken the initiative against Servia, who's been trampling through Russia recently. China made their first attack tonight, and it's going very well. With American timezones followed by the Chinese prime time, this war could go very well for us, so let's give it our all with China~

At home, we've beaten Mexico today in Nevada but lost another region to Spain. We've been letting Spain drain their damage against us for almost a week now, while we focused on Brozil's war, and it's about time to turn things around. Look forward to less Spanish regions in the coming days. qablo. We're giving Canada New Jersey tomorrow, and then we'll take back the regions that we need - Florida, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and West Virginia.

Also, I spoke with a member of the British Parliament tonight on IRC, and he decided to publish portions of our conversation. You can read it here.

Dün, Birleşik Krallık NE yasası için düğmeye bastım. Aynı zamanda da meclise teklifi reddetmelerini söyledim. Bunu, BK’ı işgal etmek istediğimden değil, dalga geçmenin ya d trollemenin yeterli bir diplomasi şekli olmadığını göstermek içindi. Ki bu da zaten BK’ın Irlanda’ya karşı halihazırdaki tutumuydu.

Terra ile dalga geçmekten vazgeçin. Bu dalga geçme hadisesi bunların Irlanda’yı PTOlamaya çalışmasıyla başladı. Fransa ve Almanya savaştan geçilmezken bunlar gidip Belçika’yı işgale ettiler. Yatıp kalkıp dua etsinler ki güneylerindeki komşuları makul, bizimkiler gibi değil.

Bu kısa savaşta Irlandalı tanklar BK’ın pto denemesinden duydukları rahatsızlığı göstermek için çok sıkı savaştılar. Terra’da bu konuyu defalara konuştuk, Kanada’da Irlanda’yı müttefik olarak gördüğünden olası bir PTO denemesinin ittifaka tehdit olacağı konusunda anlaştık. Hükümetlerini bu konuda uyardık ancak açıkça bu durum üzerinde kontolleri olmadığını, ve karışmayacaklarını belirttiler.

Öyle görünüyor ki BK, -Terra’nın savaşları kendilerine uymamış olacak ki-, Irlanda’ya karşı kolpadan bir kriz çıkararak bu uygun olmayan savaşlardan kaçmayı umdu. 24 saat içinde Terra’dan ayrılacaklarına emin gibiyim, eğer aksi olursa müttefiklerini terketmedikleri için onlara olan saygım artacak. Ama beynimin sol tarafı Bk’ın müttefiklerinden çok siyasi çekişmeleriyle meşgul olduğunu söylüyor, bu yüzden belki de Terra’ya katılmak için bile uygun değillerdi. Bence, Terra yetkilileri zamanında BK’daki bu bölünmüşlüğü gözardı ettiler, ve şimdi bunun bedeli ödeniyor.

Böyleyken böyle, meclislerinde Terra’dan ayrılacakları konuşuluyor, kabul de görecek gibi. Irlanda ile olan dostluğumuz yüzünden buna karışacak durumda değiliz. Görülüyor ki diplomasi çabaları sonuçsuz kaldı.

Terra’daki diğer bağlarımız gayet güçlü, ve müteşekkiriz. Brozil topraklarını Polonya’dan 1 haftadan kısa sürede geri aldı, helal olsun. Onlarla bu yüzden gurur duyuyorum ve bizim bölgelerimiz için de aynısını yapmalarını umuyorum. Cephelerde, Fransa ve Portekiz bölgelerini Ispanya’dan geri aldılar, onlara da koca birer bravo. Hırvatistan ile olan MPP’yi de 2 hafta aradan sonra yeniledik. İki müttefiğimiz Romanya ve Avustralya ise haritadan silindiler. Romanya geçmiştekilerden zor olacak çünkü olası isyan savaşlarında Macaristan’ın işgal ettiği tek toprak onlarınki. Avustralya ise eğlenceli olacak.

Çin, Rus topraklarında ilerleyen Sırplar’a karşı insiyatifi eline aldı. Kendi zaman dilimimizin de yaklaşmasıyla bu savaşa tüm gücümüzle asılmamız lazım.

Yurdumuzda bugün Meksika’yı Nevada’da mağlup ettik ama Ispanyollara bir bölge kaybettik. Brozilya’nın savaşlarına konsantre olurken diğer yandan da neredeyse bir haftadır Ispanyollara bütün damagelerini bitirtiyoruz. Önümüzdeki günlerde işgal ettikleri bölgeleri azaltmayı umuyoruz. qablo, bugün New Jersey’i Kanada’ya vereceğiz, sonra da Florida, Pennsylvania, Maryland, ve West Virginia’yı geri alacağız.

-Translation by Cruinne
President Emerick
April 24, 2011
Day 18
Signing out